
Thumbnail Title Description
Transkei independence

The book contain a series of essays on the issue of the Transkei independence.

Apartheid: hope or despair for Blacks?

This book contains a collection of essays entitled: Bantustans, The Coloured Persons Representative Council and Government Created Platforms

So truth be in the field

A study of the history of South Africa, from an anthropologists point. With emphasis on the moral elements of social action including the injustice of racial oppression.

So truth be in the field

A study of the history of South Africa, from an anthropologists point. With emphasis on the moral elements of social action including the injustice of racial oppression.

Women without men: a study of 150 families in the Nqutu district of KwaZulu

Results of research conducted into the income, expenditure and livestock ownership of the average family settled in Bantu Homelands. The research also looks at the socio-economic impact of migrant labour on Black families and the negative effects of separate development.

Black Renaissance: Papers from the Black Renaissance Convention, December 1974

Papers presented at the Black Renaissance Convention: The educational world of Blacks in South Africa; The Christian challenge of Black Theology; Towards the practical manifestations of Black Consciousness; The Black women in South Africa; Black Consciousness and the economic position; The labou

Imperialist conspiracy in Africa

This book contains a collection of selected articles by I B Tabata, the president of the Unity Movement of South Africa.

Challenge to the churches: report of a consultation on the church and the liberation of Southern Africa, held at Mindolo, Kitwe, Zambia

Report of a consultation held at Mindolo, Zambia on November 25-30 1979, to discuss the role of the church in the struggle for liberation and includes papers on the prevailing situation in South Africa, the independence of the Transkei, Namibia,the role of students and the role of the Black Consc

Education is the key to change in South Africa

In this paper, at the the very outset, Bozolli, has expectations of change in the educational pattern as well as change in attitudes. The effects of segregating schools has led to a system of segregated universities in South Africa.

Education is the key to change in South Africa

In this paper, at the the very outset, Bozolli, has expectations of change in the educational pattern as well as change in attitudes. The effects of segregating schools has led to a system of segregated universities in South Africa.

The divine intention

Chapter in a book containing the presentation by Desmond Tutu to the Ellof Commission of Enquiry, 1 September 1982.

God made us all, but ... Racism and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches

Chapter in a book about the role of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches in the struggle against racism. Note that only 2 of the 10 pages are available.

Dissension in the ranks: White opposition in South Africa

Book that covers debates by the Liberal Party, the South African Institute of Race Relations, the Black Sash, the African Resistance Movement and the South African Congress of Democrats on the issue of opposition to the South African Government

The Role of multinational corporations in South Africa

The 32nd Hoernle lecture delivered by Rev.

Die RSA se belange en die RSA-regering se doel, doelstellings en beleid vir orderlike regering

Document, in Afrikaans, about South Africa's national interests and the governments' goals for orderly administration, approved by the Cabinet

Dead in one's own lifetime

This book contains a collection of papers presented at the NUSAS Art and Liberation Week, held at UCT, 1-4 May 1979.

Towards racial justice: will there be a change of heart?

This is the 31st lecture delivered by Alan Paton at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the South African Institute of Race Relations on July 3, 1979 in which the author portrays the social and political injustices in South Africa.

South Africa is coming back: our children

ANC booklet issued during 1979, International Year of the Child. Issues covered include family life under apartheid, child health under apartheid, child farm labour, educational provision for black children in South Africa and the youth in the struggle.

Moral suasion

This is the 30th lecture delivered by Dr. Hugh Ashton in the Alfred and Winifred Hoernle Memorial Lecture series on january 18, 1978 at the University of Cape Town.

Majority rule: some notes

This forms part of a collection of articles which formed part of a series in The Educational Journal. The series of articles has dissected the concept Majority Rule and analyses it with regard to its meaning in the South African situation.


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