
Thumbnail Title Description
Die Verskynsel van Blanke verarming in Suid- Afrika - 'n Historiese oorsig

Armoede is n verskyynsel wat eie aan die menslike......

Die Ontstaan en Ontplooing van die Afrikaanse Kultuur

Cultural history demands to a special extent that the historian will remain true to the fundamental requirement of history writing, namely, that he should experience his material........

National Women's Day

It  is  National  Women's  Day  once  again......

Internal Resistance in South Africa: The Political Movement

The resistance movements in South Africa have shown an increased maturity in recent years, and this has found an echo in a corresponding maturity in the modification of the apartheid system itself.

Workshop Papers hosted by IsiZulu Program

I write to report that the workshop, which was hosted by lsiZulu Program, was a greatsuccess. The Dean of the F acuity of Humanities made a contribution when he...

Battling with Banality

This article deals with the history of nineteenth-century KwaZulu Natal, in particular the history of the British invasion of Zululand in 1879. While it used to be apartheid which threatened critical South African history, today it is competition and the free market.

The Reconstruction and Development Programme: A View from Business

Welcome elements
The RDP contains much that must be welcomed. Its very production is a positive step. Few political movements participating in lhe elections can have put on the table so comprehensive and detailed a document.

South Africa - The Rainbow Nation and Prospects for Consolidating Democracy


South Africa: Is the Revolution Over?

Ten years ago, socialists around the world were active in the struggle apartheid in South Africa, and looked to it as a beacon of hope.

South Africa and the Global Order: The Structural Conditioning of a Transition to Democracy

On 2 February 1990, a mere two months after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, State President F.W. de Klcrk announced the unbanning of the African National Congress (ANC), the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) and the South Africa.....

Executive Summary, Vol 1, No 6, February 1995

AB the time for delivery, rather than goal setting, for the RDP approaches, so the problems of both a technical and a financial nature loom ever closer. The economy is, all things considered, in better shape, even if sectors of business remain sceptical of all aspects of the RDP.

RDP & Social Justice

South Africa has been plagued by social injustices, firstly through colonialism and then later through apartheid.....

The RDP: Two Reviews - Half Full? .....or Half Empty

The ANC Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) aspires to be the most significant statement on SA society since the Freedom Charter was adopted in 1955.

'Social Relevance'-the acid test for the humanities

These years of rapid socio-political change in South Africa represent the 'best of times and the worst of times' for the humanities, says Professor Gerald Pillay of UNISA's Theology Faculty.

Human Sciences Research Should Focus on National Priorities

Bulletin Nov/Dec 1994

What did they think they were doing? Chapter 2
Why did they do it? Chapter 1
Fanon, Marx and the New Reality of the Nation: Black political empowerment and the challenges of a new humanism in South Africa

Centre for Civil Society.

Liberals in Pietermaritzburg
Contributions to PMBurg 150th Anniversary Book


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