
Thumbnail Title Description
'Social Relevance'-the acid test for the humanities

These years of rapid socio-political change in South Africa represent the 'best of times and the worst of times' for the humanities, says Professor Gerald Pillay of UNISA's Theology Faculty.

Human Sciences Research Should Focus on National Priorities

Bulletin Nov/Dec 1994

What did they think they were doing? Chapter 2
Why did they do it? Chapter 1
Fanon, Marx and the New Reality of the Nation: Black political empowerment and the challenges of a new humanism in South Africa

Centre for Civil Society.

Liberals in Pietermaritzburg
Contributions to PMBurg 150th Anniversary Book
The Causes of Transition in South Africa

South Africa and transition from authoritarian rule


Salient Elements in the Transition from Apartheid to Democratic Government

The transition from apartheid to democracy in South Africa has a few unique features. Firstly, the mode of transition is a peaceful negotiation process rather than a violent revolution. Secondly, the negotiators........

Salient Elements in the Transition from Apartheid to Democratic Government

The transition from apartheid to democracy in South Africa has a few unique features. Firstly, the mode of transition is a peaceful negotiation process rather than a violent revolution. Secondly, the negotiators........

SA political press cuttings

Press cuttings

Prospects for Power-sharing in the New South Africa
Political Dynamics, Part 1. Group Basis of Political Behavior: Interest & Passive Groups

Part I



Patterns of Political Influence In South Africa

In this article∗∗ it is endeavoured to elucidate patterns of political influence in South Africa. A great number of political movements, political parties and interest groups impinge on politics in South Africa.

Federalism In South Africa

A contingency model for constitutional development in South Africa is presented. Federalism is superior to unitarism in resolving South Africa's constitutional dilemma. However, neither federation nor confederation are considered appropriate.

Colonialism, Communalism & Democracy

The Opening of the Apartheid Mind.




Social Security and the Colour Bar

Reprint from the Indian Opinion

Rivonia: Telling It As It Was

This month, Nelson Mandela celebrates his 70th birthday. July 1988 also marks the 25th anniversary of the Rivonia arrests.

Can we afford disunity
Indians in the Union of South Africa

NIC the Union of the Indian in SA 1946


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