Journal Articles

Date Titlesort descending
1963-10-00 Land relations in African countries
1992-05-01 Land restoration: first step to heal apartheid`s scars
1993-02-01 Land rights update
1993-04-00 Land rights update
1993-06-00 Land rights update
1993-10-00 Land rights update
1962-10-00 Land robbery in Kenya
1987-05-00 Land Tenure/Rural Development Workshop - Press Report
1991-11-00 Land, class and the Bible in South Africa today
1985-07-00 Land-Tenure, Local Government in the Ciskei
1992-03-00 Land: 'Trekpass' says: Pack Up and Go
1990-03-01 Land: A labyrinth of tricks and tales
31-May-93 Landless in limbo
1968-02-00 Langa
1991-11-01 Language policy conference
1989-01-00 Language policy in a free Azania
1991-10-00 Language, power and emancipation: a South African perspective
1953-11-00 Languages: another view
1985-04-00 Lansdowne win season on high note
1967-03-01 Last chance in Rhodesia
1980-08-01 Last goodbyes at Bloemhof flats
1982-08-00 Latest laws are no fairy tale
1982-07-00 Latest wage increases
1993-11-00 Latin America: Old times' sake
1987-11-00 Law and Lawyers In a Changing Society: The First Ernie Wentzel Memorial Lecture
1972-06-00 Law and order
1985-08-00 Law and order - a legal perspective
1988-12-00 Law removes our rights
1990-01-00 Laws that protect - laws that endanger: Children under the State of Emergency
1990-01-00 Laws that protect - laws that endanger: The Child Care Act in perspective
1990-01-00 Laws that protect - laws that endanger: What is childhood? - Who is a child?
1981-05-00 Lawyers for Human Rights
1983-03-00 Lay-offs blocked
1961-12-00 Laying sound foundations: Address to the Black Sash National Conference
1967-10-01 Le Foehn
1964-07-11 Leaders and followers
1989-12-00 Leaders, heroes, fighters and fathers
1966-10-01 Leadership and the Wanji
1975-03-00 Leadership and unity in Rhodesian Black trade unions
1991-00-00 Leadership claims "should be put to the test". Government committed to joint decision-making
1976-08-01 Leading member of SACP joins Bantustans - and some other renegades
1984-01-00 Learn with Dawn - glycerine fuse
1983-03-00 Learn with Dawn - you too countrymen, can be a freedom fighter
1986-00-00 Learn with Dawn - you too, countryman can be a freedom fighter: sabotage of railway systems
1986-00-00 Learn with Dawn: electrical sabotage
1983-11-00 Learn with Dawn: you too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1984-01-00 Learn with Dawn: You too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1984-00-00 Learn with Dawn: You too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1984-00-00 Learn with Dawn: You too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1984-00-00 Learn with Dawn: You too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1985-00-00 Learn with Dawn: You too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1985-00-00 Learn with Dawn: You too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1987-00-00 Learn with Dawn: You too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1988-01-00 Learn with Dawn: you too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1983-04-00 Learn with Dawn: You too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1983-06-00 Learn with Dawn: you too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1983-01-00 Learn with Dawn: you too countryman, can be a freedom fighter
1990-04-00 Learner peacekeepers for Natal
1993-04-00 Learning skills for life
1994-02-00 Learning to live with AIDS


11250 records found.