Journal Articles

Date Titlesort descending
1985-00-00 PolitiXword
1981-07-00 PolitiXword
1981-09-00 PolitiXword
1985-00-00 PolitiXword
1982-01-00 PolitiXword
1988-01-00 PolitiXword
1982-03-00 PolitiXword
1982-04-00 PolitiXword
1982-05-00 PolitiXword
1982-06-00 PolitiXword
1982-08-00 PolitiXword
1983-01-00 PolitiXword
1980-11-00 PolitiXword
1983-02-00 PolitiXword
1980-12-00 PolitiXword
1983-03-00 PolitiXword
1980-05-00 PolitiXword
1983-04-00 PolitiXword
1980-07-00 PolitiXword
1983-06-00 PolitiXword
1980-09-00 PolitiXword
1983-01-00 PolitiXword
1981-10-00 PolitiXword
1994-04-00 Poll watchers hail from near and far
1991-10-00 Poor English Reading Skill is Big Flaw in Black Education
1978-02-00 Poor you!
February/March 1991 Popular debate breaks new ground
1989-01-00 Popular legality and the Underground
1990-11-00 Popular religiosity: A liberative resource and a terrain of struggle
1986-01-00 Popular theatre and struggle
1989-11-00 Popularising the Past
1985-00-00 Population distribution in the region: census figures underestimate Black numbers
1981-05-00 Population removals
1980-05-00 Port Elizabeth - The Future is Here
1957-07-00 Port Elizabeth diary
1976-03-00 Port Elizabeth unions demand adequate increase
1957-01-00 Portrait of a cabinet minister
1959-07-00 Portrait of a failure: Sir Roy Welensky
1960-04-00 Portrait of a millionaire: 'I Harry Oppenheimer'
1981-07-00 Portrait of a puppet: Part 1
1957-10-00 Portrait of a suburb: Hillbrow
1960-01-00 Portrait of an agitator: Patrick Matimba
1960-04-00 Portrait of Harry Oppenheimer
1960-07-00 Portrait of Iain Macleod
1966-01-00 Portuguese soldier return to your country
1962-06-00 Posbus
1989-01-00 Position paper on "Black theology revisited"
1987-09-00 Position paper on the Kwa Natal Bill of Rights and the new liberalism
1990-11-00 Post apartheid occupational health services - policy guidelines
1981-02-00 Post Sunday Post: we mourn and deplore your passing
1980-08-00 Post victory points way
1990-11-00 Post-apartheid health policies
1991-11-00 Post-apartheid occupational health services: What about small industry and the informal sector?
1992-12-00 Post-traumatic stress disorder: a response to abnormal circumstances
1989-11-00 Postal workers go for unity
1987-07-00 Postal workers victory
1987-08-00 Postscript
1955-01-00 Postscript
1985-03-00 Potchefstroom Municipality workers strike
1988-11-00 Pouring oil on troubled water


11250 records found.