Journal Articles

Date Titlesort descending
1983-04-00 Poverty in the Boland
1987-03-00 Poverty is our reward
1977-08-00 Poverty, productivity and people
1993-09-00 Poverty: the social basis of AIDS in South Africa
1985-00-00 Power must be shared - HSRC
1977-08-00 Power over - power shared
August/September 1990 Power to the planet
1987-00-00 Power-sharing - when and how?
1987-00-00 Power-sharing: how could it work
1956-09-00 Praat politiek (article written in Afrikaans)
1982-05-00 Practice bears us out
1987-00-00 Pragmatism not sentiment
1990-05-01 Praise for ANC professionalism
1959-09-00 Praise for the "Pass Law" issue
1984-07-00 Praise of Learning
1984-08-00 Praise poem to FOSATU
1987-01-00 Prayer for deliverance
1988-02-00 Pre-conditions to negotiation - is the gap closing?
1993-08-01 Preacher with a mission
1983-09-00 Preface
1977-08-00 Prejudicial to the accused?
1984-08-00 Premier tussles with SFAWU
1991-06-00 Preparing ourselves for permanent independence
1991-04-00 Preparing ourselves for permanent opposition
1986-00-00 Preserving the past
1966-01-00 President Nasser's May Day speech
1987-01-01 President O R Tambo: political profile on the occasion of his 70th birthday
1986-01-00 President Samora Machel 1933 - 1986
1966-08-00 Presidential address to the Twelfth Annual National Conference of the Black Sash
1957-11-00 Presidents tour of Natal Midlands
1954-03-00 Press comments
1954-04-00 Press comments
1954-02-00 Press comments
1991-11-00 Press freedom: How the IFP sees the role of the media in a new society
1979-08-00 Press freedom?
31-Aug-93 Press must tell the whole story
1986-11-00 Press statement by New Unity Movement on the death of Samora Machel
1961-12-00 Press Statement from the Sash Conference
1989-04-00 Press statement issued by the National Union of Namibian Workers [and] the Congress of South African Trade Unions, 6 April 1989
1980-03-00 Press statement on the Industrial Conciliation Act following a joint meeting between the Federation of S.A. Trade Unions, The Western Province General Workers Union, The Food and Canning Workers Union and The African Food and Canning Workers Union.
15-Sep-92 Pressure is on for affirmative action
1960-10-00 Pretoria Central Gaol, 1960
July/August 1991 Pretoria flocks to land debate
1985-00-00 Pretoria hoisted by its own petard
1990-06-00 Pretoria municipal workers strike: NUPSW and SAMWU in conflict
June/July 1990 Pretoria talks transition too
1989-01-00 Pretoriastroika: who benefits?
1989-08-01 Pretoria`s history rewritten
1984-06-00 Preventing methane explosions
1973-03-00 Price of bread goes up to 13c
1976-01-00 Prices, profits go up - wages don't (inflation)!
1968-03-00 Priests, protests and politics
1983-05-00 Primary health care in South Africa
1992-09-00 Primary health care team: what is it and who is best equipped to lead it?
1991-12-01 Primary health care workers
1980-03-00 Primary health care: New music - old harmony
1986-00-00 Primary health care: reaching out
1987-12-00 Primary mental health care
1991-12-01 Primary welfare care
1984-06-00 Prime Minister and Chief Buthelezi must meet


11250 records found.