
Thumbnail Title Description
Prospect South Indian and South Africa

Industry and Commerce
key points for inclusion

Engaging the Diaspora. A South African Perspective
India South Africa Relations 1992-1995
Mixed Races: Indians, Blacks & Coloureds, 1980-1985
Anglo-Boer War Articles
Newspaper cuttings - 1975
African and Indian in Durban
Significance of African and Indian Joint Struggle
Transvaal Non-European Peoples Conference
Letter to Professor D D T Jabavu from the President-General of the ANC
Ineffectiveness of the British Guns
A united front against apartheid
South Africa Politics 1981
Local Government 1980 to 1985
Election 99: Was There a 'Coloured' and 'Indian' Vote?

In the Run‐up to the 1999 elections, both academia and the media assumed that there would be a ‘coloured’ and ‘Indian’ vote. This article challenges this assumption through a disaggregation of the election results.

Cultural Entrepeneurship and the Culturalisation of Politics Among Indians in South Africa
Passive resistance among South Africans

It is clear from our discussion of the historiography of passive resistance among Indians in South Africa that a great deal of research awaits the scholar. The number of works on the …

Muslim to sit on Christian council

POTCHEFSTROOM Mayor Ebrahim Sooliman - a Muslim - made history this week when he took his seat at a predominantly Christian university council......

Group Areas "Octopus" spead in arms

Newspaper article on Groups Areas


191 records found.