John Clark

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John Clark Collection

"Vechtkop" at the Blood River where the famous battle took place

John Clark Collection

Sketch- map of the actual attack by the Zulus.

John Clark Collection

A picture of Marthinius Jacobus Oosthuizen, hero of the defense of Rensburgkopje. At the time of the Bloukrans massacres, some families were taken unawares in this area near Eskort.

John Clark Collection

This pencil sketch of March 1839, done on the spot, has as its subject a meeting between Andries Pretorius, leader of the Voortrekkers, and Dingane's emissaries. The artist is given as J.A. Harding. There is some interesting detail.

John Clark Collection

Part of the erf-plan of Pietermaritzburg, the first town to be established by the Voortrekkers. During 1838-39 Greyling and Nel, surveyors, laid out 500 even divided by eight parallel long streets running the length of the spur of land and five shorter cross streets.

John Clark Collection

A Voortrekker wagon was built for the symbolic trek of 1938. It incorporates features of the original wagons used on the trek, for example, the dished wheels, brake shoes, water cask slung beneath, etc. It gives a striking impression of the old kakabeen ('jawbone') wagon.

John Clark Collection

A Victorian book illustration of some 30 Boer wagons in laager beside a river. Tents have been erected both inside and outside the laager. Black servants are drawing water and the oxen are grazing or drinking. the surrounding area is completely treeless.

John Clark Collection

Interior of the Victoria Hall, Maritzburg College, set for a meal for boarders, circa the early 1900s.

John Clark Collection

The provision of light at night was a constant problem for Voortrekker families in Natal. Home-made candles of animal fat were used indoors but the outdoor resort had to be the tin lantern with a hinged wind baffle to prevent the candle from being extinguished.

John Clark Collection

Otto Family

John Clark Collection

Henry F. Fynn (1803-1861)

Henry Francis Fynn was an English traveler and trader. He was among the first Europeans to make contact with Shaka Zulu. Fynn, Coenraad De Buys, John Dunn, and Nathaniel Isaacs were among the most famous of South Africa's so-called White Chiefs.

John Clark Collection

Captain Jackson

John Clark Collection

Lieut. F. G. Farewell (1793-1829)

John Clark Collection

Alan Paton 1963

Alan Stewart Paton (11 January 1903 – 12 April 1988) was a South African writer and anti-apartheid activist.

John Clark Collection

General Redvers Buller

John Clark Collection

Supt. Alexander 

John Clark Collection

Sir G. Smith. Ladysmith (Ladysmith in Natal was named after him)

John Clark Collection

Commander General: L. Botha

John Clark Collection

Dr. B. J. T. Leverton, former Director of Natal Archives, now assistant at Cape Archives

John Clark Collection

Sir R. Buller 'The Saviour of Natal'

His rescue of soldiers at Inhlobane during the Zulu War won him the Victoria Cross. He was Commander in Chief in the Second Boer War and raised the Siege of Ladysmith in 1900.


1038 records found.