John Clark

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John Clark Collection

Henry Cloete (1792-1870) was the first Recorder of Natal and very learned in Roman-Dutch law as used in Natal. The British government regarded him highly because of his services to them in conducting a kind of census of all the original farms granted to the Voortrekkers between 1839 and 1843.

John Clark Collection

Sambuca Buchanan

John Clark Collection

Charlotte Evelyn Shepstone was born 29 March 1869

John Clark Collection

St Vincent Whitshed Erskine (1846 - 1918), Surveyor General of South Africa

John Clark Collection

Killie Campbell

John Clark Collection

Professor Alan Frederick Hattersley (1893-1976) was born in Leeds, England, in 1893. He studied History at Cambridge and on completing his degree was invited to come out to South Africa and lecture in history at the new Natal University College (NUC) in 1916. 

John Clark Collection

Chas Barter 

John Clark Collection
John Clark Collection

Lieutenant F.G. Farewell (1793-1829), one of the two exnaval officers who pioneered the opening-up of Natal as a trading-station. No pictyre exists of his partner in the trading venture, James Saunders King, who later died of dysentery in Durban and is buried on the Bluff.

John Clark Collection

From Gardiner's "Journey to the Zoolu Country"

John Clark Collection

Scene at the VictorianDocks, of men bringing thier kit aboard the ship, the S.S. Pretoria

John Clark Collection

Victoria Dock. Horse's stalls on deck.

John Clark Collection

A cavalry unit- the King's Dragoons - entering the capital Pietermaritzburg on their way to Zululand.

John Clark Collection

A war artist's sketch of the 24th REgiment enjoying a wayside halt. Among the figures are officers, colonists acting as guides, and Zulu women and boys selling milk, etc. Nearly every soldier pictured here was to die at Isandhlwana.

John Clark Collection

Royal Marines froding a Zululand river. Note their uniforms and weapons- lanyards,shady hats, cutlasses, and short carbines.

John Clark Collection

Interiour of Dingaan's house from Gardiner's "Journey to the Zoolu Country"

John Clark Collection

Treaty whereby Shaka, King of the Zulu's granted to farewell

John Clark Collection

Sketch by R. Caton Woodville. "Birth of Natal" Farewell and settler party shown conferring with Shaka

John Clark Collection

Wreck of the "Grosnenor" 

John Clark Collection

Sketch of the cross and its inscription by a Graphic war artist.


1038 records found.