
Thumbnail Title Description
Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Near Laduma's kraal; Isaak Khwela (son of the Lutheran Pastor Leonard Khwela at ceza) with the tinder plant "Helichrysum aureonitens".

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Scenery of Ceza Mountain above Laduma's kraal on the way to the well.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Ziphelaphi, Susa, Laduma, Mr. Bob Redman (Administrator of Ceza Hospital) and the pilot Mr. Sanders in front of the Piper on Vryheid Air Port

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Susa and Laduma after their flight.(cf "Susa", plate 22 top and pp.50,51)

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Sarturday before Easter Sunday 1979: Ziphelaphi and Laduma in front of the Piper which the author had hired at Vryheid for a round flight. Unfortunately the weather was bad so that it was impossible to fly over the Madelas' kraal.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Good Friday 1979: Madela presents a spear of the type isijula which he had forged and treated with medicines to three men who had ordered it. They intended to kill with it a " baboon", be it an animal or a human baboon, who used to milk their cows at might.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Medicines for provoking death by magic, umbhulelo. Top: A. 7cm long twig of the small shrub umbheza, andrachne ovalis. Madela also calls it umgwazucaca, i.e. "He who kills to such and extent that dead people lie around everywhere-- left: Blood from umdlebe, ca. 3x3 cm, i.e.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Laduma with the "wild calabash"/"Ghost calabash", isigubhu somoya, made from a hollowed out wart pumpkin, unkonko. It was still "clean", i.e. without medicine. In order to catch the wind or to provoke strong wind it has to be filled with medicine. (cf. "Medicinen", plate 13, right and pp.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Laduma with his stuff for healing, induku yokwelapha, with the hand of an antbear, isambane, as a crook. (Medizinen, plate 19, pp.92, 93)

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Laduma with his stuff for healing, induku yokwelapha, with the hand of an antbear, isambane, as a crook. (Medizinen, plate 19, pp.92, 93)

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Laduma with a magical powerful necklace, iziqu, from the cones of casuarina equisetifolia (casuarinaceae) which the author had bought in 1977 from the Santa Lucia Bay. The pendant is a container, umfece, for snuff-medicine, carved by Laduma Madela from the wood of umthombo.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in March and April 1979

Laduma in front of the tree Clerodendrum glabrum (Verbenaceae in his  neighbour's Mashingeni Khumal kraal. It is a tree which is said never to be striken by lightning. From its branches the lightning-rods are made.

Sezela Sugar Mill

Sezela Sugar Mill

Sezela Sugar Mill

Sezela Sugar Mill

Sezela Sugar Mill

Sezela Sugar Mill

Sezela Sugar Mill

Sezela Sugar Mill

view of Beach front

General view of beach front showing Durban "Skyserapers" taken from light house tea gardens, Bluff. Durban

View of Bluff

Bluff, Bathers and part of the point, taken from pool beach, Durban, 1938.

Durban light house

Durban light house, taken from Tea gardens Bluff, Durban.

General view of Bay

General view of Bay, showing "WindsorCastle" point sheds, whaling landing, pleasure and seapoint at Salisbury island. Bluff, Durban


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