
Thumbnail Title Description
Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in September and October 1979 with a festival on 30th September

Alexina's son Mbongeleni Dlakude with a white cotton cloth which his mother decorated with glass bead ornaments and with metal bells. (Cf. "Handwerke", plate 106 bottom left, and pp.106/107.)

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in September and October 1979 with a festival on 30th September

Mbongeleni wears the cloth from F6/2a over the beaded waistcoat which Alexina once had made for her fiance.(Cf. Handwerke", plates 106 bottom right and plate bottom)

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in September and October 1979 with a festival on 30th September

Arrived for dances in Laduma's kraal: the kraalhead Hlangabeza Zulu with feather crown, isidlukula, from turkey feathers. His frontal apron is from genet and Large-spotted genet. (Cf."Handwerke", plate 77 and pp.188; not as there: March 1979.)

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in September and October 1979 with a festival on 30th September

Velabengasho Khumalo and his wife Gabajana Mhlongo Khumalo in ceremonial dress/ festival attire. Velabengasho has red Lourie feathers in his hair. Gabajana's topknot is a wig decorated with bead ornaments. The lower one is a token of respect to her in-laws, umnqwazi.

People of Tera del Fugo

Black and white scene of People of Tera del Fugo and their habitation.

Visit to Laduma Madela's kraal in September and October 1979 with a festival on 30th September

Bafungile dressed up in an impressive way as the wife of s great medicine man, she herself being an inyangakazi, a female doctor. As bandolier of respect, isihlonipho, she wears a long chain of python bones, iziqu zenhlwathi. Such a bandolier was not observed by the author with any other women.

Climbing the Palm trees: the African Negro way

Black and white scene showing the methods used by African Negroes in climbing the palm trees.

On the way to Ceza Hospital

On the way to Ceza Hospital: Alexina Madela Dlakude with the authors suitcase; Dumaza with the sleeping mats; Ziphelaphi with the author's camera outfit. on her chest a green towel which she had got as a Christmas gift from the author.

Susa's wife Dumaza Mhlongo Madela

Susa's wife Dumaza Mhlongo Madela carrying several sleeping mats on her head, most of them she had made herself. they were taken by K. Schlosser to Germany.

The road leading from Thulasizwe Hospital

The road leading from Thulasizwe Hospital (about 3 to 4 km to the left) towards Ceza Hospital and village.

Within Laduma's guest rondavel

Within Laduma's guest rondavel

Within Laduma's guest rondavel

Within Laduma's uest rondavel.

Within Laduma's guest rondavel

Hanging down: The trumpet which 0.F Raum and K. Schlosser had given Laduma as a gift in 1959 in order to fulfil his wish to address with its blowing the stones and rocks ( as a symbol of eternity) so that they might tell him stories of olden times.

Within Laduma's guest rondavel

Within Laduma's rondavel

Within Laduma's guest rondavel

Within Laduma's rondavel.

Within Laduma's guest rondavel

Laduma's guest rondavel

Within Laduma's guest rondavel

Variation of F 6/3a and F 6/4a with a small meat tray, just having been used by Laduma, with knife and fork. A comb and tooth brush.

The lower part of the central pole with Laduma's bed in the background

Varied detail of F 6/3a

The lower part of the central pole with Laduma's bed in the background

The lower part of the central pole with Laduma's bed in the background.

A man of Cape Diemeu in new Holland

Black and white portrait of a man from Cape Diemeu in new Holland.


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