
Thumbnail Title Description
Different hair styles ; Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Clairmont, Pinetown

Different hair styles ; Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Clairmont, Pinetown

Christian Apostolic Church of Zion Members

Christian Apostolic Church of Zion Members from iXopo. c1982.

Christian Apostolic Church of Zion Members

Christian Apostolic Church of Zion Members from iXopo.

Two Zulu men

Zulu men (Workmates) at Kitty's studio, PMB, 1983. 

Worker from REIDS Transport Co. c1983.

Worker from REIDS Transport Co. PMB, c1983.

Zulu Man with his radio cassette tape player, c1982.

Zulu man with his radio cassette tape player, a "status symbol" c1982.

Zulu Man

Zulu man in home made dance gear

Zulu men at Kitty's studio, Pietermaritzburg.

Zulu men at Kitty's studio, c1983.

Four Zulu men at Kitty's studio, Pietermaritzburg.

Four Zulu men at Kitty's studio, PMB, 1974.

Zulu father with his first son.

Zulu father and his first son. (Very important to Zulu man)

Zulu woman with baby and a child.

Zulu woman with a baby and child, 1983.

Zulu family group photo

Zulu family group photo (Children)

Zulu girl, c1980s.

Zulu girl, c1980s


Black and white series of plates with a scene of Isangoma/ Nyanga conducting a healing process to a patient called 'Ukulumeka'.


Black and white series of plates with a scene of a woman taking muthi from a hot pan, a process called 'Ukuncinda'


Black and white series of plates with a scene of a Woman taking muthi in a form of 'Ukukhotha'.


Watercolor portrait of a Zulu man carrying a spear& shield.

Girl Guides of S.A: Natal region 1936-1937
'Ukuzingela noKwalusa'

A black ad white scene of a man hunting with his dog, and on another scen a man is herding a goat.

Girl Guides of S.A: Natal region 1936-1937

Natal Guiders photographed on the Winchester Castle before leaving for England. from the top of the group downwards are Violet Wood, Doreen Hesselman, Katharin Caddie, Joyce Illsley, Molly Wylde and Doris Dalton. Mrs. M. Dalton,


16171 records found.