
Thumbnail Title Description

Black and white photograph of  young man dressed in his traditional costume which shows that he is at the right age to get married.

Bhaca girl from Himeville, KwaZulu-Natal, eMakhuzeni

Bhaca  girl from Himeville, KwaZulu-Natal, photograph from Jean Anderson Home, Himeville, eMakhuzeni


Black and white photograph of a young maiden from Eshowe dressed in her traditional beaded costume.


Black and white photograph of a young maiden from Eshowe dressed in traditional outfit.


Black and white photograph of 'Iqhikiza', a young maiden, probably a leader of young maidens ready for marriage.

Izintombi zase Showe

Black and white photograph of young maidens coming from/ going to the river, dressed in their traditional outfts.


Black and white photograph of young man from Eshowe wearing lots of beaded necklace and a feather hat.  


Black and white photograph of young marriagable girl dressed in lots of beaded necklace.


Black and white photograph of three Eshowe girls, wearing their traditional clothes that show that shows that they are ready for marriage.


Black and white photograph of Zulu fisher men, fishi/ rowing in the river.


Black and white photograph of a female Sangoma/ Gobela dressed in her Sangoma clothes.


Black and white photograph of a young bride from Greytown, dressed in traditional clothes.


Black and white photograph of a female Sangoma from Grey town.


Black and white photograph of young bride from Grey town, dressed in traditional costumes.


Black and white photograph of a young man dressed in his traditional outfit from Eshowe.


Black and white photograph of three Eshowe girls, dressed in beadwork that indicate that they have come out of age and are ready for marriage.

Hair plaiting by Ellen Luthuli of Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Claimont, Pinetown

Hair plaiting by Ellen Luthuli of Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Claimont, Pinetown

Hair plaiting by Ellen Luthuli of Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Claimont, Pinetown

Hair plaiting by Ellen Luthuli of Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Claimont, Pinetown

Hair plaiting by Ellen Luthuli of Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Claimont, Pinetown

Hair plaiting by Ellen Luthuli of Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Claimont, Pinetown

Hair plaiting by Ellen Luthuli of Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Claimont, Pinetown

Hair plaiting by Ellen Luthuli of Ellen Hair Salon, North Road, Claimont, Pinetown


16171 records found.