
Thumbnail Title Description

'Ibhodwe', small three leged pot on fire.


'Inkehli', small grassed woven and dipped in red dye hat dor Zulu married women.

Colonial South African Police

Colonial South African Police

Colonial South African Police

Colonial South African Police

"B"  Coy, Police Reserve (Durban area), November 1940

"B"  Coy, Police Reserve (Durban area), November 1940

African labours during the Boer War

African labours during the Boer War

Durban from Bluff

Durban from Bluff

Port of Durban

Port of Durban

Hlubi women cooking papa for making traditional beer

Hlubi women cooking papa for making traditional beer

The Boer dam, Ladysmith

The Boer dam, Ladysmith

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Mrs Sheila Jenkins, Durban North Commissioner for the girl guides, helps to plant a tree in the grounds of St lukes church.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Alison Fodded ( right) accepts the candle of friendship from a guide representing Mexico to Symbolise the Journeys the candle has made since it was started in Canada.

The armoured train incident, 1939

Grave of solders of who died during the armoured train incident in 1939 

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Golden moments.

Mr and Mrs Bert cut their cake at the girl guide annula meeting at the Wylie Scout Hall, Red Hill when they commemorated their Golden anniversary.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

In a call out effort to make a Crochet-In project for the making of blankets for the TB settlemet at Bothas Hill and to raise money for the girl guides camp site at Worlds view,

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

The Mayor , Councillor J.J Oliver , Sponsering the first square of the lone guiders collection. L to R. Cllr. Oliver, Jackie, Lennon, Wendy and Sheryl Feather.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

The Flag ceremony , for the inauguaration of the girl guide North Coast Division. Breaking of the colours by Hennifer Wilson ( 1st Inanda) . Looking from left to right ; Miss F Wilson, Mrs D Baker ( District Commissioner, maidstone ) & Mrs C .

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

A group of brownies and guides from the districts which form the newly inaugurated North Coast Division.Left to right , back ; Judy Nel( Maidstone) , Belinda Jones ( 1st Inanda) , Ann Crossman( Stanger) ,Lorainne Johnes ( 2nd Inanda) Front; Debbie Endress( Stanger, Susan Bester ( 1st Inanda) Kare

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Mrs Ethne Bain, Natal Provincial Commissioner for girl guides seen congratulation Mrs Christine Bester Who has been appointed Divisional Commissioner for the new North Coast Division Looking on are the warranted District Commissioners and Guiders of the new Division.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Group of guide guiders and brownie guiders .

Back; Mrs Elise Fokkens , Miss Coleen Eustace , Mrs Di Baker , Mrs Nora Wisson, Mrs Barbara Slade , Miss Fiona Wilson .

Front; Mrs Barbara Dorman,Mrs Mary Greer , Mrs van der Westhuizen , Mrs Joyce Howard , Mrs Christine Bester.


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