
Thumbnail Title Description

'Isicephu', small grass woven place mat.


'Imbenge', medium sized grass woven basket.

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Murriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muirel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Cape Town as viewed on approaching it , with Table Mountain in the background

Cape Town as viewed on approaching it , with Table Mountain in the background

The excavation,  207 feet deep made by the dynamic explosion, 1896, Johannesburg

The excavation,  207 feet deep made by the dynamic explosion, 1896, Johannesburg

The excavated portion of the Kimberly Diamond Mine

The excavated portion of the Kimberly Diamond Mine

Bird's eye view of Johannesburg

Bird's eye view of Johannesburg

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Leaving Alford Cottage for Bothas Hills - Sunday, April 20th 1924

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2

Higgs Muriel

Higgs Muriel Album 2


16155 records found.