
Thumbnail Title Description
Fertility Doll: Lesotho

Beaded fertility doll from Lesotho.

Fertility Doll: Pedi

Beaded Pedi fertility doll with short hair.

Fertility Doll: Pedi

Beaded Pedi fertility doll with hair to make a woman figure.

Gatsha Buthelezi; chief with a double agenda, written by Mzala Nxumalo

Gatsha Buthelezi; chief with a double agenda, written by Mzala Nxumalo

Fertility Doll

Dumb bell beaded fertility doll from Lesotho.

Fertility Dolls

Xhosa fertility doll drapped in animal skin and beads.

Fertility Doll

Xhosa fertility doll drapped in animal skin and beads.

Fertility Doll

Dumb bell shaped beaded Mangwato fertility doll.

Fertility Dolls

Beaded fertility doll with a face.

Fertility Dolls

Beaded fertility doll with layered animal skins as a skirt. 

Fertility Doll

Beaded fertility doll with clothes and fiber attached as a head to make a female figure.

Fertility Doll

Dumb bell shaped fertility doll with human hair attached to the gourd as a head.

Fertility Dolls

Fertility dolls from Ovambo.

Fertility Dolls

Fertility dolls from Bechuanaland

Fertility Dolls

Fertility dolls from Basutho.

Fertility Dolls

Fertility dolls from Basuto, Hlubi and Zulu people.

Ovambo Dolls

Dumb bell shaped beaded fertility dolls from Ovambo.

Matebele Dolls

Beaded fertility doll from Matebele.

Ovambo Dolls

Dumb bell shaped beaded dolls with hats.

Rhodesia: Fertility Dolls

Beaded dump bell shaped fertility dolls, with buttons and sea shells.


16155 records found.