
Thumbnail Title Description
Ndebele Fertility Doll

Tall beaded Ndebele doll.

Zulu Doll

Wooden carved Zulu fertility doll.

Ndebele Doll

Round shaped Ndebele fertility doll.

Calabash Vessels

Set of carved and decorated calabash vessels for different uses.

Sotho Fertility Doll

Tall beaded fertility doll from Lesotho.

Zulu Doll

Beaded and stuffed Zulu fertility doll with straws as hair.

Ntwane Doll

Ntwane fertility doll made out of wood, stuffed cloth and beads.

Zulu Fertility Dolls

Mr Jabulani Hlongwa with a set of Zulu fertility dolls, made out of stuffed cloth, wood and beadwork.

Ndebele Dolls

Set of Nderbele feritility dolls made out of stuffed cloth, wood, wire and beads.

Ndebele Fertility Dolls

A set of different Ndebele fertility dolls, made out of cloth, beads, wood and brass.


Thatched grass Zulu hut. 

Zulu Married woman

Zulu married woman with a head wrap at the time of modernity.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 24.9.1891-13.1.1975

Girl Guide leaders from all parts of Natal attended the annual general meeting of the Provincial Council of Girl Guides which took place in St. Peter's Hall on Saturday morning. photographed at tea time were (left to right) Miss G. Niven of Durban, the assistant Provincial Commissioner, Mrs F.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 24.9.1891-13.1.1975

The valley Northdene, Mrs Buchan, Dora poortenaar and Miss Niven.

'Inkehli: Zulu married woman

Zulu married woman wearing a large red hat called 'inkehli'.

Pondo Beadwork

Set of beaded accessories by Pondo people.

Mpondo Woman making Dolls

Mpondo woman making wooden and beaded dolls in Pondoland.

Sotho Weapons

Different Soth weapons and fertility dolls.

Kitchen Items

Set of kitchen items from the Basutho people.


Wooden carved items made and used by the Basutho people.


16155 records found.