
Thumbnail Title Description
Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Service with a smile is the Brownie way. Golden hand brownies from 4th Victoria pack. Back row-Julie Fick, Rene Rautenbach and Deanne Roberts front row- Tanya Triani, Stacey Jackson and Kim Pearce with their Brownie Guider Mrs Mariena Rautenbach, standing at the back.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Tanya Triani, who has nine interest badges.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Carrying the colours to church. Colour parties march through Durban for the annual Girl Guides' Sunday service yesterday. five hundred guides and brownies from five divisions in and around Durban attended the service at the Central Methodist Church in Aliwal Street.

" Lala kahle Mfowethu"

Black and white lead pencil scene of a huge crowd of mourners at a funeral in church. A rural village, mountains nd trees can be seen at a distance.


Scene of huts, tree and cows grazing infront during the summer season.

'Victims of Natal floods"

Scene of Skeletons, coffins and trees floating around.

'Home in the Mountains'

A scene of a home, settled at the bottom of mountains ,there is a scene of a forest and a path.

'Nguni Cows'

A  scene of Nguni cows in a pool, hut and mountains in the background.

" Zimkhulu"

Colourful scene of huts from the Mzimkhulu region, among trees. 

Modern Home

Pen and colour pencil scene of square, modern house surrounded by cyprus trees.There is a school or mission in a distance  and also a scene of mountains in the background.

'Holiday Inn'

Pen and colour pencil scene of the Holiday Inn surrounded by palm trees, and a gatekeeper. An ocean can be seen at the far end.

Wild life: Zebras

Scene of two zebra at a pool of water surrounded by exotic plants. ( Type: Watercolour)

Rural Village

A colourful scene of figures and rural village with a gravel road. 

" Imvelo"

Monochrome figures of humans and animals in black and white representin nature.

" Abraham"

Scene of two figures:Cane and Abel on each side of the river, one offering fish,and the other one offering a sheep on the alter. A cloud God and a happy sun hovering above them.

" A song for you"

Monochrome scene of Mirriam Makeba singing on stage.

" Isikhala sika Thisha"

A scene of huts, and church or school modern building. There are people walking on the road and trees behind the houses.

"The deadly herb"

Black and white scene of men smoking marijuana.

" Mother and Child"

Monochrome abstract of a Mother and child standing next to each other.

" Ngifuna imali yami"

Scene of two men fighting over money while the women is crying in the background. 


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