
Thumbnail Title Description
" Wina Nawe"

Bearded necklace in green and white beards, with words" Wina Nawe", The necklace is part pf the whole costume worn by a boy. it came from the Emabomvini/ Msinga area in KwaZulu- Natal.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1984-1985

Penny Chandler dressed as a 1910 guide and Sarah Jane Geary dressed as a 1914 Rosebud.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1984-1985

Mrs Jean Pillinger pictured with Brownie Guider, Miss W.A Munnik and the youngest brownie at 1st Durban North pack, Corrine Ganaschaud.

" Isithebe"

Large wooden carved meat tray with four short legs and two handles on each side. It comes from the Emachunwini area in KwaZulu- Natal.

'Something else"

An Abstracct of monochromes and shapes.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1984-1985

Mrs Jean Pillinger cuts the cake surrounded by Brownies from 1st Durban North pack.

" Bushman Paradise"

Scene of Bushmen stalking a springbuck among red lillies.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1984-1985

Children taken on walk through nature reserve. Geoff Nichols explaining to the more than 50 children who came to walk around the Virginia Bush Nature Reserve about the gradual growth of the coastal bush.


Wooden carved train engine and two carriages on wood railway track with signals and overhead wire.


Watercolor scene of the river Umkomaas inbetween mountains and a hpmestead.Rural scene of homestead on mountains.


Three traditional Zulu men drinking beer in a homestead. There is also a dog with a bone closeby. 

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

A happy group of guiders from 1st Victoria Company pictured at Durban station before their depature to Pinetown. Back Colleen Forbes, Rene Rautenbach, Julie Fick and Nicola Robertson, and ( FRONT) Kim Pearce and Karen Fennell.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Guides enjoy their train trip. All packed and ready to go on their journey are the guides from 1st Victoria Company pictured on Durban Station before their departure to Pinetown.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Scouters and guiders cheese and wine. LEFT: Divisional commissioner of guides Heather Cairns pictured with cub leaders, Liz Harris, Diane Chandler and Dee Sutherland.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Scouters and guiders cheese and wine. Left: Seen at the recent social evening Owen and IIga Mitchley, Miss W.A. Munnik, Brownie Guider from Durban North, Maeve Dickens and June Loubser.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Guides and Brownies celebrate thinking day. Lana Legassicke, Dominique Tyach and Katherina Pillay represented the Pakistani table.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Guides and Brownies celebrate thinking day. Claire Robb, Lana Stevenson, Charmairo McGoldrick, Samantha Mortan and tracy Coleman were responsible for the Japanese table.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Melmoth's voortrekkers, cubs and brownies find that it's not as easy as it looks to get one's teeth into a moving apple.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

The youngsters wait in keen anticipation for the first orange and spoon race at the combined fun afternoon. Voortrekkers, brownies and cubs enjoy a fun afternoon.


Scene of a woman carrying a water pot, walking towards a homestead. Cows are grazing, and there are trees behind the huts.


16139 records found.