
Thumbnail Title Description

Medium size sculpture of a Zionist prophet. The sculpture is made out of clay, real human hair and cloth.

" Landscape"

An  abstract from a scene of a homestead, with modern houses. A river is passing through and the are mountains in the background.

" Zakheleni"

Scene of a village, clusters of huts, school and mountains in the back ground. It is a pen and colour pencil painting.


Scene of African women toiling the fields near a rural homestead. Mountains, trees and other huts can be seen in the back ground.

The Culdesac"

Monochromatic abstract of a tall female figure floating on air and hovering over the mountain. Two dogs are at her footsteps.

" Isigqiki"

A medium sized wooden carved headrest with three legs that are covered with amasumpa. It came from Nongoma in KwaZulu- Natal.

" Ukhezo"

Large wooden  carved spoon/ ladle known as Isixwembe in isiZulu. It has incisions in the middle of the handle.

" Isigqiki"

Wooden carved headrest with three split legs. It has a glossy finish and incisions as design.

" Isigqiki"

Wooden carved headrest with four solid legs( doubled legs).

" Isigqiki"

Wooden carved small headrest on two solid legs that have incisions ( amasumpa).

" Zulu Wooden Spoon"

Wooden carved spoon in a two toned color. The handle is blacked and has a rough feel to it which in isiZulu is called ' Amasumpa. The head is a lighter color but trimed with black around the edges. It was made By Khoza Joel from Zamafuthi School at Umzinto in KwaZulu- Natal.

" Ugqoko"

Wooden carved meat dish in a medium size. It has two triangular handles on the sides and was created as school project in KwaZulu-Natal.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1985-1986

Enjoying cooking at the recent get together of guides and scouts was Joanne Bellamy.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1985-1986

Pictured on top of the pioneering platform were scouts of the 1st Glenashley troop.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1985-1986

Chief Commissioner-Mrs Hussy with the Mrs F...and Mrs Aitken.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1985-1986

Tracy awarded her founders badge. Tracy Opperman was awarded the highest award in guiding, the Founders Guide badge, which is equivalent of the former Queens Guide Award.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1985-1986

Members of the 15th Hartley Guide company, Durban, are this year's winners of the Clarendon Trophy,which circulates around South Africa. With the mayor and mayoress of Durban, Mr and Mrs Stan Lange, are (from left) patrol leader Susan Smith, guide Carolyn Dean and guider Mrs Jean Piggott.

Girls Guide of South Africa 1985-1986

Support for the celebration came from all areas of Zululand and each group arrived with cake, baked and iced, for judging by the chief commissioner. Entertaining concert items were then presented by each group.

Emmett, Gen. Cheere.

Emmett, Gen. Cheere.

Emmett, Gen. Cheere

Emmett,Gen. Cheere.


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