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Challenges facing informal sector micro-enterprises in Newlands West : the case of female owned home-based dress-making enterprises (Thesis, 2007)

This study seeks to investigate the challenges facing informal sector micro-enterprises in Newlands West, using the case study of female owned home-based dress making enterprises in the South West of Durban.

Indian workers and trades unions in Durban, 1930-1950


The income and employment structure of Indians in the Durban municipal area

The scope of labour economics is wide, covering such diverse topics
as income distribution, trade unions, unemployment and discrimination.
Much of the current attention devoted to labour economics comes from

The Decline of Stevedoring Labour in Durban: 1959-1990

The movement of commodities around the world has been a crucial way in which
capitalist and colonial economies have functioned. Ships and harbours have been the
focus of the transportation of commodities for many centuries, and today, while there are

Making poverty research political Student "Wages Commissions " in Durban 1971-3

Over the course of the 1970s, social science measures of a family’s minimum
needs ceased being the limited concern of a few academics and started to become
instruments of liberation. Since Edward Batson’s extensive Social Survey of Cape Town

Factory and Family: lndian Factory Workers in Durban

Introduction 1 should start by clarifying the theme on which I will speak, namely Indian women's attitudes towards their jobs and their perceptions of how their jobs affect their family lives.

Job satisfaction of Indian married women in the clothing industry in Durban and its effects on their interpersonal family relationships

The present investigation was carried out in order to ascertain the degree of job satisfaction experienced by Indian married women employed in the clothing industry in Durban, and the effect of this on their interpersonal relationships within the family group.

A 'Public Health Nuisance': The Victoria Street Early Morning Squatters Market, 1910-1934

The focus of this paper is the "Indian Market", a famous tourist landmark in Durban.

Control and Repression: The Plight of Indian Hawkers and Flower Sellers in the Durban CBD, 1910-1948

This paper will examine the position of Indians who attempted to make a living on the streets of Durban as hawkers and flower sellers.

The effects of Durban Municipality's informal economy policy on informal market management : a case study of Millennium Market, Phoenix (Thesis, 2008)

“The hawkers have trundled up their carts and repacked their wares, the pavements are bustling with women…. They bump each other, they buy from each other bargaining, bantering all the time” (Hart in Preston-Whyte and Rogerson, 1991: 70).

Victoria Street Indian Market 1910 - 1973

In any undertaking of this nature, the author, usually, has a source of motivation. In this instance, my inspiration was derived from my grandfather who for the majority of his life, sold fruit and vegetable in his Victoria Street Indian Market stall.

A socio-economic profile of four market gardening communities in metropolitan Durban

There is a growing number of studies concerning the nature of communities settled on the fringes of the Durban metropolitan area.

The History of the Indian market gardeners of Cliffdale (1977 – 1987)

This study will be examining the circumstances surrounding the founding of Cliffdale, and the tracing of the community up to the present. Particular attention will be paid to market gardening.

The Durban Central Business District : A Delimitation and Land Use Study

There has been many conflicting ideas about what ·the Central Business District (C.B.D) of Durban is, and where its boundaries are located. There have been delimitation and land use studies·applied to a few cities in South Africa, but not Durban.

Bhoola Family in Indian Businessmen in the Durban Area: Indian Immigration to SA, the Establishment of the Business and its Progress up to the Present

The Bhoola family are also a family originally from India who immigrated to South Africa and established trading rights here. The first Bhoola who was one of the pioneer Indian merchants who settled in Sutherlands Pietermaritzburg.......

Indian Businessmen in the Durban Area: Indian Immigration to SA, the Establishment of the Business and its Progress up to the Present

This work focuses on Indian businessmen in the Durban area only. This field of research, of recent is under focus by a number of historians and scholars. My research is only fractional in this field yet I hope it is resourceful


 view of the town

Brand Johnes Hendricks

 Review of the burghers

Brand Johnes Hendricks

 Review of the burghers

West street

 depicting single and double story buildings


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