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Recommendation Letter of the Natal Indian Congress to the Durban City Council

The Town Clerk

City Hall

The publication in the Natal Mercury on Saturday 20th December 1941 of certain recommendations by the Council's representatives.....

Memorandum for City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee dated 15th May 1942

Memorandum for City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee dated 15th May 1942

The Hon. the Minister of the Interior has notified his Worship the Mayor that it is his intention to visit Durban on Friday

Memorandum for City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee.

At a meeting of the City Council held on the 22 December 1941.....

That in reply to his enquiry whether any good purpose would be served by the submission to the Lawrence Committee of the petition received by him in respect of an alleged Indian penetration.....

Extract from Minutes of the Lawrence Meeting (Meeting held on 13 July 1942)

In apologizing for the temporary absence of the  Chairman, Councillor  Shepstone stated, that he felt it was incumbent upon him to make 'a s.tatement in view of the fact that he had been the instigator of the original resolution which had.

Letter from the Joint Honorary Secretaries of the Natal Indian Organization date 13th July 1942

We make the following observations on the proposals of the Town Council put forward by Councillor D G Sheptone at the meeting of the Lawrence Committee help on the 24th May 1942 when the Minister of the Interior the Hon. H G Lawrence was present with the Comissioner for Asiatic Affairs

Letter from the General Purpose Committee to the Hon. Minister of the Interior

I have the honour to request you to inform the Hon. the Minister of the Interior that at its meeting on the 7th instant my Council had before it the following recommendations from the Committee of the Council's Representation on the Lawrence Committe:-

Press Statement by the Hon. the Minister of the Interior(Mr H G Lawrence, K.C.)

A meeting took place on Sunday the 24th between the Hon. the Minister of the Interior and the representatives of the Durban City Council and the Natal Indian Association who constitute the Lawrence Committee

Meeting between Minister of Interior and members of the Lawrence Committee(meeting held 7th November 1940)

In opening the meeting the Mayor stated that he desired to extend a cordial welcome to the Minister. The Minister, he stated, had to come to Durban to attend this meeting with the object of getting soma of the points, connected wi th the activities of tho Lawrence Committee, clarified.

Memorandum to Durban City Council's Deputation to interview his Honour the Administration and the the Hon. the Minister of the Interior

From time to time in the past the Council has given its attention to the question of Indian Penetration in Durban. During October 1939, public interest was sharply focussed on the question. On 24th October 1939 the Hon. the Minister of the Interior......

Minutes of Meeting of Lawrence Committee (Meeting held Sunday, 24th May, 1942)

The meeting had been specially called at the request of the Hon. the Minister for the Interior who was accompanied by the Secretary for Public Health......

Anti-Indian War in South Africa

It appears inevitable that anti-Indian war in South Africa will not cease for a moment even at this critical hour of human destiny. I honestly believe that the publication of the Broome Report relieving the white men from fear of penetration.........

Letter to the Lawrence Committee Representatives from the Durban City Council

I enclosed herewith the relevant extract from the City Council minutes of the 22 December last in which is set out the proposal which was put to the Hon, the Minister of the Interior during his recent visit and discussed at the meeting with you and representatives....

Minutes of Meeting of City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee (Meeting held Monday, 6th July, 1942)

The Chairman stated that the reply promised by the Natal Indian Association to the Town Clerk's letter ot 27th May, 1942, had not yet been received and he called upon the Indian' representatives present to make a statement regarding their attitude towards the proposal put forward by the City Coun

Extract from Minutes of the City Council (Meeting held on 21.9.42)

Th!lt in reply to this enq uity whether any good pl,!rpose would be served by the submissiou, to the Lawrence Committee of the petition received by him in respect of an alleged Indian penetration at 317 Avondale Road, Durban, the Principal Immigration Officer be 'informed that it is the opinion o

Minutes of Meeting of City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee (Meeting held Wednesday, 20th May 1942)

A plan showing the position in regard to Indian penetration in Durban (old Borough) was exhibited in the Committee Room for information of Councilors, this plan reflecting the number of properties which had actually been transferred to Indian ownership since the conclusion of sittings of the Broo

Minutes of Meeting of City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee (Meeting held on Friday, 22nd May 1942)

Meeting held on Friday, 22nd May 1942

Building site Plan outline Indian ownership


The Indian in South Africa. Pamphlets.

In order to understand the Indian Problem as it affects Natal in general, and Durban in particular, it is necessary to remember the historical background of the problem.

Memorandum submitted to the City Council Durban in respect of improvement in housing farming and other such amenities.

Memorandum submitted to the City Council Durban in respect of improvement in housing farming and other such amenities.

Memorandum submitted to the Right Honourable the Prime Minister by the Durban Joint Committee on the subject of the Indian Problem in Natal

Memorandum submitted to the Right Honourable the Prime Minister by the Durban Joint Committee on the subject of the Indian Problem in Natal


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