
Thumbnail Title Description
Costume Cape

Cape with large plastic beadwork edge and cape with small apron worn bt married woman from Ndwedwe.

Back skirt

Skirt back wrap with layered cloth edge


Back skirt cloth applique worn as cover to isidwabafor married woman


Black skirt worn by married woman over isidwaba


Beadwork edge to cape for married women in Ndwedwe area

Craft Headest

 Headest, wooden, double linked with chain and with snuff-boxes on ends


 Clay  Craft   figure of an elephant

St. Aidan's Mission, 1883-1983 : centenary brochure [Mission Hospital]

When my wife and I were in England in 1978 for the Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops, we went on a short pilgrimage to certain holy places. One of the places we visited was the island of Lindesfarne off the English north coast. It made an indelible impression upon us........

Housing aspirations in the Coloured Community of Durban

This study is intended to provide some information in this field, focussing specifically on the housing aspirations of the community. An attempt has been made to ensure that the study is as objective as circumstances permit.

The Left in the slum : the rise of a shack dwellers’ movement in Durban, South Africa

On 9 November 1993 the African National Congress issued a press statement condemning the “housing crisis in South Africa” as “a matter which falls squarely at the door of the National Party regime and its surrogates”.

The Durban Central Business District : A Delimitation and Land Use Study

There has been many conflicting ideas about what ·the CentralBusiness District (C.B.D) of Durban is, and where its boundaries are located. There have been delimitation and land use studies applied to a few cities in South Africa, but not Durban.

Beadwork and dress

 Beadwork and dress are part of the traditional wedding

Beadwork and dress

 Beadwork and dress are a part of the traditional wedding.

Fictional constructions of Grey Street by selected South African Indian writers.

This thesis explores the fictional constructions of Grey Street by selected South
African Indian writers to establish a deeper understanding of the connection between
writers, place and identity in the South African Indian context. The concepts of 'place'

Urban Citizenship: Governance, regulation, development and participation. Some thoughts from the Warwick Junction Project, Durban

The central question behind this set of reflections is “What is the relationship between urban
governance and urban citizenship”? The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship
between attempts by the local authorities to manage and develop the city in accordance with

Grey Street Area : a survey of a community.

Housing is a basic human need, providing not only physical shelter for human survival, but also an intimate setting for social and emotional activity and interaction.

Public Housing and Patterns of Family Life: lndian Families in Metropolitan Durban

To speak of 'the family' and 'housing' is akin to speaking of 'the dancer' and 'the dance'. Their ties, their oneness, and their otherness are endless. In our experience they often seem one; in our thinking they can be separated and joined in endless patterns.

The resettlement of Indian communities in Durban and some economic social and cultural effects on the Indian community (In The Indian South African - Paper SAIRR, 1966)

The full range of effects of the resettlement of Indian families in Durban in terms of the provisions of the Group Areas Act have never been directly or systematically studied. At present very little material on the topic is publicly available.

M K Gandhi Library

Named after Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, The M K Gandhi Library (situated at 140 Queen Street) was officially opened on 10 September 1921 - at a time when the provision of public library services to Indians was sorely neglected.

From indentureship to transnationalism : professional Indian women in Durban, Kwazulu-Natal (Thesis, 2008)

The study details the transnational migrations of a sample of professional Indian women from Durban, KwaZulu Natal within the context of their historical transition from indentureship to transnationalism, and their changing social identities.


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