
Thumbnail Title Description
Memorandum by the submitted by the Representatives of the Natal Indian Association on the Lawrence Committee

The Lawrence Committee was inaugurated on the 14th.

Memorandum by Indian Representatives on Lawrence Committee in regard to Provision of choice residential sites

The Lawrence Committee was inaugurated on the 14th March 1940 as a result of the visit of the Minister of Interior the Hon.

Memorandum for the Lawrence Committee to Judicial Commission dated 29 July 1940


Re : Indian Penetration Commission

As requested in your letter of 21st instant I now attach hereto a copy of the Memorandum by the Lwarence Committee to the Chairman......

Draft replies to questions to be asked in Parliament

Question no. 1

How many instances of Indian penetration in European areas have been investigated to date by the Joint Committee?

Memorandum for the Lawrence Committee. Specific Cases dated 16 April 1940

From time to time The Lawrence Committee has dealt with cases of intended acquisitions by Indians in predominantly European areas. Details of these cases are set out hereunder :

Memorandum for the Lawrence Committee. Revised list of specific cases under and awaiting investigation

Revised List of Specific Cases under and waiting Investigation

Memorandum to the Chairman and members of the Judicial Commission appointed by his Excellence the Governor General....

Memorandum to the Chairman and members of the Judicial Commission appointed by his Excellence the Governor General....

Your Secretary has requested me to furnish to you a comprehensive report upon the findings of The Lawrence Committee.

Corporation of the City of Durban - 2nd April 1940

The property mentioned in the complaint is 10, Lanyon Grove. It was transferred to Estate Ebrahim on the 24th November, 1930.

Press Statement by the Hon. The Minister of the Interior(Mr H. G. Lawrence K.C.)

Press Statement my the Hon. The Minister of the Interior(Mr H. G. Lawrence K.C.)

Corporation of the City of Durban - 4th May 1940

In reply to your letter of the 1st instant asking whether there are any choice building sites available for Indian Community within the Old Borough Area I would mention that the only land falling within the definition of that about which the inquiry is centred lies in the Umgeni and Stella Distri

Minutes of the City Council dated 5th June 1942


The Town Clerk read the notice convening the meeting. Noted.

Confirmation of minutes.

That the minutes of the meetings of the City Council held on 24th April and 8th May, 1942, as circulated, be and the........



Minutes of the City Council dated 21st September 1942

City Council Minutes dated September, 21st 1942

Minutes of Meeting of City Council of the City of Durban dated August 7th 1942


The Town Clerk read the notice convening the meeting, Noted.


Extract from Minutes of the Durban City Council (Meeting held on 22 December 1941)

Extract from Minutes of the Durban City Council (Meeting held on 22 December 1941)

Memorandum to the Town Clerk dated 1st May 1940

The Town Clerk will recollect that on Saturday, 27th ultimo, Mr. Geake, the Principal Immigration Officer called at this office and was taken by me to the Town Clerk. Mr.

Lawrence Committee. Indian Housing undertaken by Durban Corporation

Lawrence Committee. Indian Housing undertaken by Durban Corporation

The Corporation has made arrangements to assist with Indian Housing by four methods

(1) Housing: Loans to Indians owning Freehold land.

Memorandum to the Town Clerk

Memorandum to the Town Clerk

re: Lawrence Committee : Letter from the Principal Immigration Officer.

I have considered the letter from the Principal Immigartion Officer of the 28th ultimo


Minutes of the City Council dated 22nd Dec 1941

Report of the City Council Reprentatives on the Lawrence Council Committee

Alleged Indian Penetration : 317 Avondale Road, Durban...

On the 28th November 1941 a letter addressed to the Town Clerk by the  Acting Principal Immigrtions Officer.....

Memorandum for City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee dated 18th May 1942

Re: Lawrence Committee

Your letter of the 18th March 1941 addressed to Mr S Rustomjee of the Natal Indian Association has been referred to me.

Letter from the Office of the Minister of the Interior and Public Health to the Durban City Council dated 1st May 1942

Letter from the Office of the Minister of the Interior to the Durban City Council dated 1st May 1942

I intend to visiting Durban on the 22nd May in order to carry out one or two official duties and I should like if possible .....


1296 records found.