
Thumbnail Title Description
Whose Republic?

A2 silkscreen poster green and black on white; map of South Africa; text: Whose Republic? Citizens or Aliens? Millions of black South Africans have lost the right to citizenship by being classified as homeland students.....

Education, Resistance and the New Constitution

A2 red on white silkscreen; photo students marching; text: NEUSA workshop; Education, Resistance and the New Constitution; Discussions with TIC and student leaders

Save Your Son: Don't Vote

A2 red on white silkscreen; graphic crossed guns and dead body; text: UDF sticker on top; Text: Save your son; apartheid; don't vote; UDF logo; Sticker text: UDF 'n Stem vir die Kombuis Parlement is 'n stem vir Apartheid. Moenie Stem Nie!

Don't Pay For Apartheid

A2 black and white poster; cartoons of money bags, text: Don't Pay for Apartheid; if you vote, MPs will get R43 000 from GST, Tax, Cabinet Ministers will get R75 000 from GST, Tax, and GST Up, train fares up, food prices up, rents up, plus forced removals!

Strikers Are Losers!!

A2 green on white litho; Text: Strikers are Losers!! *City Deep Drivers earn up to R1100 per month; *They say they can afford to strike CAN YOU? ARE YOU A LOSER?

Release Mandela Campaign Remembers Rivonia Trial

A2 red and black litho on white; photos, news clips from 1964 Treason Trial; text: Release Mandela Campaign Remembers Rivonia Tria; in terms of international legal practice3, a life sentence is generally considered to be 20 years imprisonment...

UDF Unites To Expose What Underlies Reform

A2 black and pink on white; silkscreen, graphic hand pulling up paper; text: The United Democratic Front was launched in Cape Town in Agust 1983 to unite a broad range of organisations against the new constitution and Koornhof Bills. Since the launch of UDF, support has grown and grown...

Yusuf Dadoo

A2 black and white photo of Yusuf Dadoo (no text)litho

Lest we forget

Black and white poster. Photograph of dead person lying on the floor. Issued by National Student Federation, 19 dead, 239 maimed.

One, so many

Black and white poster, with pink strip across top left hand corner. Notice of a dance performance at the Market Theatre on the 9th to the 14th May 1983. Six women present Robyn Orlin' solo dance performance. Drawings of three dressmakers models.

Grassroots '83 : No to PC - forward to a united South Africa

Calendar for 1983. Black and white photographs of President Botha and other leaders and of South African scenes. Red and white images of people protesting in the background. List of important days to remember. Declaration adopted at TASC Congress on 23rd

1983 Women's Calendar

Yellow poster with dark brown lettering. Front page of calendar. Dark brown artwork of African women with fists raised.

We salute Molvi Saloojee

White poster with black lettering. Salute to Molvi Saloojee, past President of Transvaal Indian Congress. Died 22nd January 1983.

Transformer les epees en charrues

White background. Artwork of yellow wheat growing out of a haystack of rifles. Artwork of half the world in blue with Africa and South Africa in white. Artwork of two hands holding a broken chain.

Simon Tembuyise Mndawe

Black and white poster. Artwork of two African heads and spears. Short history of Simon Tembuyise Mndawe, detained 22nd February at Nelspruit police station. Found hanged in his cell 9th March 1983.

ANC for peace

Notice of East Rand Peace Summit. Green, yellow, black and white poster. 2 - 4 April 1983. ANC Logo. Photograph of a small child. Artqwork of a yellow dove with a green leaf in its mouth.


Poem by Backman. White poster with red lettering. Name - Dagens Nyheter, Sondagen den 10 April 1983. Artwork of red blood cells.

Art toward social development

Notice of an exhibition of South African art at the National Museum and Art Gallery, Gaborone, Botswana. June 10th to August 10th 1982. Maroon border. Black and white centre. Artwork of a blindfolded man walking a tightrope against a background of houses.

June 12: march and rally: New York N.Y.

Multicoloured poster advertising a rally at New York City on June 12th. Artwork of people marching carrying flags. Clothes and flags with demands on them.

Rastafarian womens organisation presents fund raising dance

Multicoloured poster. Artwork of a map of Africa, with women and children wearing red scarves. Notice of a fund rasing program at The Factory, Chippenham Mews, W9. List of performers. In support of the children's summer project.


3485 records found.