
Thumbnail Title Description
Ungdom mot apartheid

Blue, black and white poster. Artwork of people protesting. ISAK (Isolera Sydafrika Kommitten), poster from Sweden. Ungdom mot apartheid logo.

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

A2 pink, red and black on white litho; graphic of three birds labled ANC, UDF, and hammer and scycle, on chain with ECC; logo reads: KGB ANC approved;text: JODAC/UDF invites you to an open day at 31 May at St Catherines Church;Birds of a Feather ...Flock together

UDF youth rally

Cream poster with red lettering and artwork. Notice of a UDF youth rally at Patidar Hall, Lenasia. List of speakers. Reject constitution and army call up.

Dorothy Nyembe

Green, black and white poster. Artwork of Dorothy Nyembe. Commemoration of her release from 15 years in prison, 1969-1984.

NEUSA General Meeting

A2 dark red silkscreened on yellow paper; picture of hand with book, map of Africa, cars coming to meeting; text: The Doors of Learning and culture shall be opened to all; Teachers Unite...for a democratic future; General Meeting NEUSA; Funda Cenre, Speaker: Teachers in an Apartheid Society

No Botha

A2 green and black on yellow silkscreen; image of three gagged faces; text: No Botha we will not help you oppress; we won't vote

Don't Support Apartheid

A2 maroon on yellow silkscreen; graphic fist crushing ballot box labelled apartheid parliament; text: people's power; don't support apartheid

The struggle for peace and freedom continues

Blue, black and white poster. List of names of people who died in Gaborone on the 14th June, 1985. Artwork of a pair of black hands behind barbed wire, releasing a white dove.

June 16 Forward to Peoples' Power

A2 pink, red and black on white; photo Hector Petersen, logos TIC and UDF; text: June 16 South African Youth Day; Forward to Peoples' Power; Congress

Removals: ecumenical service

Black and white poster. Notice of a church meeting at the Holycross Anglican Church, on the 24th June 1984. Speakers Bishop Serote and Dr Alan Boesak. Artwork of a man hanging on a cross.

Community Arts Project Calendar : July - August 1984

Black and white poster. Calendar for July and August 1984. Black and white artwork of rural scene by Lionel Davis.

AZASO: Azanian Students Organisation: 4th annual congress

Notice of congress meeting. Theme - women in struggle. Black and white poster. AZASO logo: education towards democracy. Venue - DOCC Soweto. List of speakers. Issued by BSS/AZASO Wits University.

UDF - Media night

White poster with black lettering. UDF Logo. Notice of meeting at Khotso House on 20th July 1984. Anti-election media.

FOSATU Johannesburg Local General Meeting

A2 red and black silkscreen; FOSATU logo; text: Federation of South African Trade Unions Johannesburg Local General Meeting; Sunday Junly 22nd 8 am Dube YMCA

Peace in Namibia

Black and white poster. Artwork of map of Namibia. Notice of a meeting at St. George's Cathedral on Sunday 20th May. Issued by Black Sash. List of speakers. City of Cape Town stamp dated 23/5/2984 authorising poster.

SASDU Annual Congress

A2 red and black blend silkscreen on yellow; graphic scooter drivers as angels; text: SASDU Annual Congress; An injury to one is an injury to all

Welcome Dorothy Nyembe

Green and black poster issued by FEDSAW. Artwork of an African woman's head.

J. Seidman: graphic work: National Museum: Mar. 1-21. 84

Black and white poster. Notice of a Graphic Art exhibition by J. Seidman, at the National Museum on March 1st-21st 1984. Artwork of a man playing a key board.

Film: Missing

Silkscreened; red on brown paper; Film: Missing : Dube Y

Eldos Youth Assoc.: Mad disco

Brown, green and black poster. Notice of a disco. Stick drawings of two people dancing.


3485 records found.