
Thumbnail Title Description
Encuentro trimestral: Junio 1983

Yellow, black and red poster. Cartoon artwork of an animal with a black t-shirt with word 'Cepalc' on it.

Children are the flowers of our struggle and the principal reason for our fight

Black and white poster for International Children's Day on 1st June 1983. Blocks with various images of people and children.

Primer congreso: del partido feminista: de Espana

Purple, green and white poster. Notice of a meeting at Barcelona, Spain.

Declaration of the United Democratic Front

A3 red and black on yellow card; drawing of crowd similar to UDF logo; Text: Declaration of the United Democratic Front; We, the freedom loving people of South Africa, say with one voice to the whole world.... (full text of declaration)

Sign The UDF Declaration

A2 red,black, yellow on white litho; hand writing; text: Join a Million people; say NO to apartheid; Sign the UDF Declaration

Encuentro trimestral Octubre 1983

Blue, gold, black and white poster. Artwork of a man smoking a pipe, cutting cane with a machete. Notification of a quarterly meeting held in October 1983. CEPALC.

Congress : T. I. C. mass meeting

Black and white poster. Notice of meeting at Hindu Seva Samaj Hall, Laudium on Wednesday 5th October 1983. List of speakers. Issued by TIC

ERAPO Residents Meeting

A2 red, blue, black silkscreen; We demand better working conditions ERAPO Residents meeting Speakers: Moledi Mokoena, Sam Ntuli, Dolly, Shadrack Mkhwanazi

Books for Workers from Ravan Press

A2 red, yellow, black on white; litho; graphic of workers holding books; text: Books for workers from Raven Press; Worker books, politics, trade unionism, history, literacy, novels, staffrider.

NUSAS 60 years: Students meeting the challenge of change

Offset litho: black, blue and red; NUSAS 60 years : 1924 1984 : Students meeting the challenge of change

SAAWU Annual National Conference

Notice of SAAWU Annual National Conference at Soweto in 1984. SAAWU in white letters on black background. AGM in green letters on white background. White poster with image of black workers. Soweto 1984 in black letters.

UDF and Congress : We stand by our leaders

White poster with black border. Red lettering. Writing on poster says these are photos of UDF and NIC leaders. These were the Consulate six in 1984. Poster from period when they were in the British Consulate.

Faites la C G T

Initials C G T (Confederation generale du travail = General Confederation of Labour) in blue, red, yellow and green. Artwork showing blue, red and yellow pencils. Faites la wording in black letters.

Grahamstown Voice : Ilizwi laserhini : Phambile KwiCivic

White poster with red lettering and red border. 1984 calendar. Title in white letters on red blocks. Cartoon image of people kicking out the new town council and community council.

24th anniversary of the founding of SWAPO

Light blue poster. Black and white images of three men. Blue, red and green flag. SWAPO Logo. Namibia.

National Union of South African Students 1984

Light and dark blue daily planner for 1984. NUSAS Logo. List of University terms.

Solidarity with the struggle of women of South Africa and Namibia

White, brown, black and white poster. Artwork of an African woman holding a baby, and people with fists raised underneath. Solidarity with the struggle of women of South Africa and Namibia.

UDF: million signature campaign sign against apartheid

Silkscreened; red; Udf : million signature campaign sign against apartheid : Sayina uthi phansi no-apartheid : Saena oganene le apateit!

Portrait of an unjust war

Offset litho; black; Portrait of an unjust war : Andreas Kapitingo - spitroasted! : Third degree burns, right arm lost; Koevoet perpetrators charged- On conviction, each fined R50 : No to the war in Namibia

UDF Unites Apartheid Divides

A2 litho black on white; photo people praying by squatter camp; text: UDF unites apartheid divides; in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine you did it to me - Matthew 24:40


3485 records found.