
Thumbnail Title Description
Contributions to the Dictionary of Literary Biography on 20th Century Black African writers
Correspondence from C. I. Vawda & Co.

 Correspondence from Attorneys at Law to Phyllis Naidoo

Manifesto of protest against the so-called compromise concerning the Cape Native Franchise
Smuts-Hofmeyr Correspondence
Phyllis Naidoo Miscellaneous collections

Miscellaneous documents

Acknowledgment by Alan Paton for the sum of five hundred pounds
Acknowledgment by Alan Paton for the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds
Phyllis Naidoo Collection

Personalia, Stories, C.V.s, Press cuttings, letters and articles, diary, statements

Letter from Raymond Suttner to whom it may concern

Letter from Raymond Suttner, Head of the ANC Political Education Department, regarding the making of a video series on the history of the ANC. Includes guidelines to facilitators for interviews and a synopsis of the video series.

Open letter from the National Executive Committee of the ANC to State President De Klerk and his Cabinet

Open letter to State President De Klerk and his cabinet from the National Executive Committee of the ANC regarding violence in the country.

Letter from Oliver Tambo to the NEC Secretariat

Letter from Oliver Tambo to the NEC Secretariat regarding the NWC agenda, giving the Zambian Security adequate notice of the ANC's intention to bring 100 people to Lusaka and making a decision about seminars.

Letter from Stephen Chesine to Oliver Tambo

Letter from Stephen Chesine to Oliver Tambo regarding suggestions for new constitutional arrangements for South Africa. Includes copies of letters from Buckingham Palace and the South African Embassy in Canada.

Text of telex received from Rev Frank Chikane

Telex from Rev Frank Chikane, General Secretary of the South African Council of Churches to the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, October 9, 1987 about the South African Council of Churches position on sanctions.

Letter from Jack Simons to John Motshabi

Letter from Jack Simons to John Motshabi regarding ANC membership, internal strategy and tactics.

Letter from Felicia Forrest

Letter from Felicia Forrest in Harare regarding African National Congress questioning whether she is the sister of Gordon Winter. Asks that the matter be investigated and cleared up.

Message on the occasion of the Swedish people's parliament against apartheid , February 21 by Dr Davidson Nicol, President of the World Federation of United Nations Association (WFUNA)

Message on the occasion of the Swedish people's parliament against apartheid, February 21 by Dr Davidson Nicol, President of the World Federation of the United Nations Association (WFUNA).

Message of goodwill and solidarity

Message of goodwill and solidarity from His Excellency Dr Kenneth David Kaunda, President of the Republic of Zambia from the chairman of the preparatory committee regarding the occasion of the meeting of the Swedish people parliament against apartheid.

Letter from Pallo Jordan to Dear Comrades

Correspondence from Pallo Jordan informing comrades of a seminar between Soviet and African National Congress social scientists.

Letter from Jack Simons to Oliver Tambo

Letter from Jack Simons to Oliver Tambo regarding work of the Constitutional Drafting Committee. Includes handwritten list of committee. Does not include copy of report, as indicated in the letter.

Telegram van H Leer

Telegram, bearing the stamp of the Secretariate, State Security Council, Pretoria, about recent unrest incidents around South Africa, with numbers of unrest incidents reported in the various provinces. Some text has been blacked out.


501 records found.