
Thumbnail Title Description
Ex parte City Durban. In re Asiatic Penetration

I am very much at a disadvantage in expressing an opinion in this case, because I have only  had 24 hours within which to do it, the problem it presents.....

Report from Mercury. Indian Penetration - Deputation. Advisory Committee

Asiatic affairs Advisory Committee. 

Probable membership

Notice of Motion by Councilor A H Youngleson

There is attached hereto for your information copy of letter dated.......

Correspondence between the Local Health Commission and Chairman of the Edendale YMCA
Correspondence between owner/contractor and the Building Inspector
Correspondence between owner/contractor and the Building Inspector
Correspondence between owner/contractor and the Building Inspector
Correspondence between owner/contractor and the Building Inspector
Correspondence between owner/contractor and the Building Inspector
Correspondence between owner/contractor and the Building Inspector
Correspondence between owner/contractor and Building Inspector
Correspondence between owner/contractor and the Building Inspector
Copies of Correspondence between Natal Indian Congress and the Durban City Council in connection with the City Council's proposal for Round Table Discussion Re: Appointment of Indian Affairs Advisory Sub-Committee

Dear Sirs

As you are no doubt aware the City Council has prepared its plan for the development of the City of Durban.....




Correspondence from the Durban City Council to the Natal Indian Congress

In a statement you made to the Press the following day you welcomed and accepted His Worship's offer....

Correspondence between Mr A I Kajee and City of Durban

Representation on Indian Affairs Advisory Sub-Committee....

E-mail correspondence from SA History Online to Alan Paton Centre
Commentary by City and Water Engineers Department and Memorandum by the Natal Indian Congress

The following comments refer to the several documents forwarded to this Department prior to their submission to the Indian Judicial Commission.....

Estates Department on the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

In reply to your letter of the 6th instant, forwarding copy of memorandum submitted to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission by the Orient Islamic Educational Trust, as this matter is bound up with applications for land received from....

Itinerary of Tour of Inspection arranged by representatives of the Durban City Council

West Street, turning right to Gardiner Street, thence via Soldiers Way and Leopeld Street, turning into Cross Street, right into Prince Edward Street, Little Brooke Street, left into Victoria Street

Letters on the Natal Indian Judicial Commission from the Durban City Council

Sir, Indian Question in Natal.

I have the honour to refer to the deputations from Local Authorities which visited Cape Town to attend the Annual Conference of the United Municipal Executive and other interviews....


501 records found.