
Thumbnail Title Description
Commission of Enquiry into matters affecting te Indian Population of Natal

I am in receipt of your letter of the 23rd instant furnishing me with copy of the terms of reference of the above....

F N Broome: Not the whole truth Indian Penetration. Natal Indian Judicial Commission

Soon after it was appointed the Government decided to deal with the situation at once without waiting for the Commissions report. The reason for this step was to a great extent the Pegging Act's overseas repressions


Evidence of the Indian Medical Officer of Natal concerning the general living conditions of the Indian under their care

The Indian Immigration department, considering that their medical officers should be especially qualified to give information required by your commission called a meeting of these officers which decided that after all.....


Department of Post, Telegraphs, Interior and Public Health

His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased in terms of section two of Act No. 22 of 1936.....

Draft Ordinance

To provide for the regulation in borough and townships of the occupation and acquisition of residential and other property by persons of certain racial group....

To the Electors of Natal. If the Occupation Control Ordinance is passed....

The Occupation Control Ordinance is legislation that the Natal Provincial Council proposes to pass in order to control the occupation-but not the ownership of residential properties in this Province.....

Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

When Standing Counsel appeared on behalf of the City Council before the Select Committee of the Natal Provincial Council on the last occasion in connection with the Draft Occupation Control Ordinance...

Friends of Phyllis Network

A list of names, addresses and contact numbers of  Friends of Phyllis Network.

At the interview with General Smuts in No.3 Committee Room....

Occupation: In all his many years acquaintance with this difficult question this was the first occasion on which the Indians had agreed any.......

Memorandum to the Town Clerk on the Select Committee on the Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

The Town Clerk will have noticed from the Press Announcement which appeared this morning that the Selected Committee concluded its present session late yesterday evening.....

The Occupation Control Ordinance - The Petition

Your Petitioners are the elected representatives in the sphere of the local government of the City of Durban....

Durban Corporation - Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

The first question submitted is whether, in view of Section 86  of the Provincial Council the South Africa Act it would be.....

Clarkson and Wilks papers

I hope to be in Durban on Monday the 21st February. I proposed leaving hee on the Friday. I think the train arrives on the Sunday afternoon. There are many things I want to talk to you about.....

Correspondence of the City of Durban extended Powers Ordinance

Your communication of the 17th ultimo to the Private Secretary to the Right Honourable the Prime Minister has been forwarded by direction of the Prime Minister, to my Minister for attention.....

Various Correspondence - Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

There is one most important feature which I think Natal and its Provincial Councilors would do well carefully

Various Correspondence on the Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

E C Wilkes, Esq, M. P. C. papers

I have been instructed to inform you that on behalf of the Ratepayers' Associations of Durban it is requested that before any final decision be taken with regard to....

List of Licences Granted for the Year 1945

Vol 71 File 527 N 2716

Number of Licences Granted for the year 1945

Draft International Declaration of Human Rights

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of the members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world ......

Hofmeyr Papers 1935 to 1948 - General Correspondence

Hofmeyr Papers 1935 to 1948  Box A1/Aa

Telegram to the Governor-General Dated 12 Feb 1927

I gladly avail myself of the opportunity afforded by return to India of our delegation to recent round table Conference at Cape Town to thank Your Excellency personally and your Ministers for great courtesy...

Viceroy, Government, Indian, Ministers


501 records found.