Journal Articles

Date Titlesort descending
1994-07-00 Historic elections!: an overview of the April 1994 elections
1976-12-01 Historic formation of Marxist-Leninist Party of Angola - split from MPLA
1988-08-01 Historic IDASA Conference - Freedom Charter emerges as alive and relevant as ever
1989-02-00 Historic meeting on SA law
1992-11-00 Historic miners' conference
1990-00-00 Historic resolution passed at conference: all-race effort the key to negotiations
1984-07-00 Historical declaration
1976-08-00 Historical perspective
1988-10-00 Historical significance of three days of national protest, June 6, 7 and 8
1973-09-00 Historical sketches: Clements Kadile and the ICU
1960-10-00 History in Africa
1982-06-00 History is on our side
1981-08-00 History of Black women in South Africa
1987-05-00 History of May Day
1993-12-00 History safety agreement signed at Buffelsfontein
1975-07-00 History Teaching in African Schools
1982-11-00 Hitch
1990-08-00 HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa: Draft Maupto Statement
1984-03-00 Hlobane mine accident
1992-11-00 Ho elloa hloko ha basebetsi ba o`kiep mane namaqualand (article written in Sotho language)
1992-11-00 Ho felloa ke mesebetsi ka bongata ho nse ho tsoelapele (article written in Sotho language)
1993-12-00 Ho nka karolo ha mmuso ka ho kena dibakeng ho raleng kgwebo ya merafo ke tlhoko (article written in Sotho language)
1992-08-00 Ho qalwa ha summit ya histori (article written in Sotho language)
1992-11-00 Ho saenoa ha tumellano ea eskom ea ho bopa hape bocha (article written in Sotho language)
1992-11-00 Ho thusa ka lichelete ho tshoanela ho ba le sepheo sa (article written in Sotho language)
February/March 1991 Hoe lyk Afrikaans in `n bevryde Suid-Afrika?
1957-11-00 Hoe on vriende kwyt te raak(article written in Afrikaans)
1973-05-00 Hofmeyer Revalued 1948-1973
1982-08-00 Hogan alleges heavy handed action by SP
1966-02-00 Holiday from apartheid
1968-00-00 Holiday song
1979-10-00 Homage to Comrade Neto
1993-09-00 Home based care: same epidemic, new vision
1985-07-00 Home From Home
1956-10-00 Home thoughts
1963-02-01 Home-boys abroad
1992-09-01 Homeland consolidation behind land transfer plan?
1974-06-00 Homeland leader attacks parallel unions
1974-05-00 Homeland leader attacks parallel unions
1963-07-13 Homelands for one-sixth
1990-09-00 Homelands must be joined to SA
1981-04-00 Honour to labour
1961-06-00 Hope for Kenya
31-Oct-92 Hope springs eternal, but times are trying
1993-12-00 Hopes and dreams for 1994
February/March 1991 Hopes and fears for the future
1988-08-00 Hospital administrators speak about the crisis
1993-07-00 Hospital pharmacy: the staff shortage crisis
1990-06-00 Hospital strike wins big victory for workers
1985-03-00 Hospital strikes in Durban
1988-08-00 Hospitals in rural South Africa
1986-09-00 Hostel dwellers organise for better living conditions
1988-03-00 Hostel situation at University Durban-Westville
1990-11-00 Hostel war: organise - or die
1990-11-00 Hostel war: searching for an alternative to hell
1972-06-00 Hostels
1984-06-00 Hostels not fit for pigs
1980-11-00 Hotel International
1962-12-00 House arrest and the rule of law
1983-04-01 House sales won't solve the problems


11250 records found.