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Royal Natal Yacht Club

Adding a touch of international flavour to 505 World Yachting Championships were these flags representing the competing countries. In the foreground are some of the many spectators who lined the shore to watch the race.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Part of the action in the 505 pre-world yachting championships held off Durban

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Dave Hudson and Terry Reynolds, who won the Fireball nationals at Saldanha Bay

Royal Natal Yacht Club

They're the rescuers, the group of Royal Yacht Club members who man the rescue boats when ever there's a club racing event.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Receiving their blazers and ties are (left to right): Roy Heiner, Rob Tarboton, Richard Crockett and Mike Wright who received their awards from Mr Vaughan Giles, president of SAYRA.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Yacht marina takes shape

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Sixteen irreplaceable silver trophies valued at R35 000- some more than 60 years old- have been stolen from the Royal Yacht Club in Durban.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Senior Natal MEC Mr Frank Martin (left) unveiled a plaque at the weekend to mark the 125th birthday of the Royal Natal Yacht club. 

Royal Natal Yacht Club

As part of the celebrations held to mark the 125th birthday of the Royal Natal Yacht Club at the weekend, a 125-mile ocean yacht race was staged for IOR-class yachts.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

A civic reception was held in Durban last night as part of a series of functions to mark the 125th birthday of the Royal Yacht Club.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Mr Brian Tocknell (third left) snd his crew share a bottle of champagne which Mrs Tocknell pours into the silver goblets before the victorious crew toast themselves as winners of the 100-mile yacht race held to mark the 125th anniversary of the Royal Natal Yacht Club.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Royal Natal Yacht Club commodore Guy Reynolds (left) and Richard Crockett, rear- commodore and chairman of the race committee.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

The 125th anniversary of the Royal Natal Yacht Club- the oldest of all clubs in South Africa and the oldest yacht club in the southern hemisphere- was celebrated at a cocktail party for the Press.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

The Royal Natal Yacht Club is 125 years old- the oldest club of any type in South Africa and the oldest yacht club in the Southern Hemisphere. 

Royal Natal Yacht Club

The calm before the storm...a Durban keeler cruises gently on the Bay, giving the crew a short respite before heading out to sea for a though-as-nails race.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Battling against the elements... this is a world where every second counts, and a wrong decision could land you in ice-cold water.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Two ways of getting around. A board sailor trails a Hobie Cat in conditions off Yatch's Pier, Durban.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

A good, stiff breeze...and the spray flies as a group of yachts thrust their way to the fore in this week's races off Durban.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

The seasons' over, but the memory lingers on. And moments such as this are sure to be discussed by Durban's deep-sea racing skippers and crews when they gather at the Point Yacht Club tonight for the annual prize giving ceremony.

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991


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