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Royal Natal Yacht Club

The crew of the yacht Orca, which returned to Durban after being battered by high seas and gale-force winds in the Vasco Da Gama race to East London

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Thirty one yachts set out in blustery conditions from Durban on the Vasco da Gama race to East London after having to reassemble following a false start.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Roy Close took his L34-design Close Again across the finish at East London first, to win line and handicap honours.

Royal Natal Yacht Club
Royal Natal Yacht Club

Derick Warne (left) and Terry Clarence with the Royal Natal Yacht Club Cup

Royal Natal Yacht Club

After makeshhift repairs to their crafts Eastern Province's Alan Bush and Graham BUsh on For Fun and Rob Tarboton and Finola Lehane of NAtal on FAst Fun are towed back to the competition on the first day of the Royal Natal Yacht Club's Champion of Champions match event.

Royal Natal Yacht Club
Royal Natal Yacht Club

Spinnakers billowing in the wind, two of the yachts competing in the week long Crystic Ocean Challenge set out of the start, offshore from Durban

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Spinnakers billowing in the wind, two of the yachts competing in the week long Crystic Ocean Challenge set out of the start, offshore from Durban

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Skipper Peter Southam (also inset), goes up the mast aboard the yacht Panache to right the spinnaker halyard which was jammed before the start of the racing in the Mainstay Week yacht competition off Durban 

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Geoff Meek's Spirit of Avis and Terry Clarence's Assegai round a buoy in the Crystic Challenge yacht racing championships off Durban.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

There's simply nothing nicer than messing about in boats. Ratty's words from Toad of Toad Hall, but they sum up this scene at the yacht mole yesterday as skippers and crews prepared for racing in the Mainstay Week.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Two entrants in the interpronvincial 505 yachting championships taking place offshore all this week do some emergency repairs soon after launching at Vetch's Pier today.

Royal Natal Yacht Club
Royal Natal Yacht Club

Adding a touch of international flavour to yesterday's 505 World Yachting Championships were these flags representing the competing countries.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Part of the action in the 505 pre-world yachting championships held off Durban 

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Part of the action in the 505 pre-world yachting championships held off Durban 

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Dave Hudson and Terry Reynolds, who won the Fireball nationals at Saldanha Bay.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Two entrants in the inter provincial 505 yachting championships taking place offshore all this week, do some emergency repairs soon after launching at Vetch's Pier today. One of the two man crew stands in shallow water to hold the craft while the other works on the rudder fastenings.

Royal Natal Yacht Club

Looks as though this yacht is going down for the last time, but in fact skipper Crispin Read-Wilson of Britain was racing hard in a swell off Durban to take fifth place in the second race of the current world Fireball yachting championships.


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