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Memorandum to the Town Clerk - Indian Penetration

Attached is a first draft of a memorandum to the members of the deputation which the Council has appointed to interview the Administrator and the Minister on this Subject.

Letter from Kathy to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and wonderful description of the wonderful 19 July event. It was such a wonderful description that I felt like we were right there! I just appreciate so much the time and effort that you took to give me your unique account of the happenings.

The Indian in South Africa - Pamphlet Collection

The first important fact is that only in recent times has the Indian community come to be regarded as a permanent part of the population of the Union. Prior to 1927 the Indian in South Africa was looked upon as an alien a sojourner in the land, and not destined to remain there.

The Indian in South Africa - Pamphlet Collection

Indian propagandists have dubbed the "Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian Representation Act, 1946," the "GHETTO" Act and even the "Gutter" Act. In so doing they have been guilty of a plain lie. These Indian propagandists have spread their false version of the Act all over the world.

Commentary by City and Water Engineers Department and Memorandum by the Natal Indian Congress

The following comments refer to the several documents forwarded to this Department prior to their submission to the Indian Judicial Commission.....

Letter from the City Health Department on the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

In reply to your letter dated 24th November 1944, relative to the above, I beg to comment as follows:

Natal Indian Judicial Commission

The City Council on 6th November 1944, resolved:

1) That His Worship the Mayor and Councillors LL Body. M.P.C.......

Smuts replies to Indians. Pegging Remains for Time Being. Ordinance Deferred

The Government has decided to advise that assent be reserved on the Natal Residential Property Regulations Ordinance....

Memorandum to General Purpose Committee. The Indian Question : Recent Ordinances and Natal Indian Judicial Commission

There is attached hereto a Press Report of the written reply given by the Prime Minister to the Natal Indian Congress whose delegates met the Prime Minister in Pretoria .....

Copy - F.N. Broome correspondence. Natal Indian Judicial Commission

At a meeting of the Commission held on the 3rd November, 1944, the Indian situation as it had then developed was discussed by the Commission. The Commission came to a unanimous decision that a Provincial body, namely the Post War Works and Reconstruction Commission had been conducting an

City Valuator and Estates Manager on the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

In reply to your letter of the 3rd October last, forwarding Memorandum on Civic Status dated the 22nd September 1944 prepared by Natal Indian Congress...

Memorandum from the City and Water Engineers Department to the Natal Indian Congress

This Department is familiar with the type of semi-political, nebulous allegations contained in the Memorandum, which can be summed up in a few.....

City Treasurer's Department to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

Re: Natal Indian Judicial Commission

With reference to your latter of the 8th instant enclosing copy of preliminary statement submitted to the above Commission....

Memorandum for the Natal Indian Commission by the City Medical Officer of Health

Health of the Durban Indian population is conditioned mainly by their

(a) economic status and (b) housing. All other factors, though important, are subsidiary,

Natal Indian Judicial Commission

Re: Natal Indian Commission

In the defense to the request set out in your letters of the 22nd March and 17th April 1944, I have the pleasure in submitting herewith information which I trust will prove to be of assisting.....

Natal Indian Judicial Commission

Letter submitted by the City Valuator to the General Purpose Committee

Natal Indian Judicial Commission

In deference to the request set out in your letters of the 22nd March and 17th April, 1944 I have pleasure in submitting herewith information which I trust will prove to be of.....

Memorandum submitted to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission by the Durban City Council

At its meeting on 24th October 1944, the Durban City Council resolved "that Bis Worship the Mayor (Councilor R. Ellis Brown, J.P.) and Councilors L. L. Boyd, M.P.C., and Major J. Raftery, J.F., M.P.C., together with such officials' as may be necessary, be appointed as the

Memorandum for General Purpose Committee. Natal Judicial Commission

1. In connection with the appointment of the Natal Indian Judicial Commission to enquire into and report upon matters affecting the Indian community in the Province of Natal, the city Council at its meeting on 9th June, 1944, adopted the following......

Extracts from the Minutes of the City Council meeting

As is already known to the City Council, the Natal Indian Judicial Commission has been appointed by the Union Government with the following terms of reference:


71 records found.