Thumbnail Title Description
The heresy of apartheid

Journal article discussing the role of the Dutch Reformed Church in supporting the South African Government's policy of apartheid.

The relevance of Black Theology

Journal article discussing the relevance of the Black Theology in South Africa in relation to the question of colour, in relation to the heretical ecclesiology, and in relation to the proclamation of the gospel.

FOSATU guide to Unions organising African workers

Table of information

Registration - the big test

FOSATU has made its position quite clear. We believe that the law should not divide workers by race. Workers must be allowed to join the unions of their choice.

What are parallel Unions?

Parallel unions are like elephants. We all know an elephant when we see one but if asked to describe one we have to stop and think for a while.

"I will only vote for a free Azania"
The definition of Black Consciousness
Human touch
Exrtract from an address by Bishop Desmond Tutu to Crossroads protest meeting

This article is an extract from an address by Bishop Desmond Tutu to crossroads protest meeting in the University of Witwatersrand in September 19, 1978.

Apartheid in nursing: a challenge: an African nurse
The Village and the castle
Unemployment by race


32 records found.