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The Media And Politics In The Third World, With Special Emphasis to South Africa

Political Sciences Project......

Gandhi Miscellaneous picture
Draft resolution submitted to Annual Provincial Conference of the Natal Indian Congress held in Durban

Draft Resolution

Minutes, Circulars and Agendas of the Natal Indian Congress in 1950

1950 minutes and agendas

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Joshua Nkomo at a press conference

Black and white print 17.5 x 25.3

Peter Brown Collection: Unidentified man with outstretched arms blocking off the passageway to the press

Black and white print 18 x 26.6

Letter from AG Narayadu to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from AG Narayadu to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Mair to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Mair to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Hoosen to Phyllis Naidoo

This is being written on a rather quiet Sunday evening. The kids are in bed, Jane is watching "A Gift to Last" on the box, and lam in the kitchen trying very hard not to get the kids up with the chatter of the typewriter.

Annual Report of the Civil Rights League for the year 1980-1981, presented at the Anuual General Meeting, September 14, 1981
Civil Rights News Letter, Vol. XXVII No.7 Issued 13 September 1980
Civil Rights News Letter, Vol. XXVII No.4 Issued 26 May 1980
Letter from Achelia to Phyllis Naidoo

Many Thanks for your letter, which reached me yesterday evening. I am afraid I can’t help you in your enquiry.

Indian Opinion No.1 - Vol 38. Friday, 5th January 1940

Indian Opinion No.1 - Vol 38. Friday, 5th January 1940

Extracts from an address on bilingualism delivered to the Imperial Press Conference

Extracts from an address on bilingualism delivered to the Imperial Press Conference

Letter from Alan Paton to Molly
NEW AGE 1954-1963

New Age, newspaper and its' predecessors, The Guardian; Advance were founded by trade unionists, academics and and was known as a leftist publication. New Age was linked to the African National Congress and its' leadership.


Indian Opinion, a weekly newspaper, was first established and produced by Mohandas Gandhi ("Mahatma"), M.H. Nazar and Madanjit Viyavaharik in 1903 in the Natal Province. The newspaper focused on Indian rights, poor living conditions of indentured labourers and racial discrimination.






1085 records found.