Thumbnail Title Description
Resolution passed at the 22nd Conference of the South African Indian Congress held in Johannesburg – 19th, 20th and 21st October 1956

Apartheid, Freedom Charter, Women in the Struggle, Youth, Group Areas Act, International Situation, Suppression of the Communism Act, Police Intimidation

South African Indian Conference Draft Resolution

Twenty eight months of Nationalist Party rule....

South African Indian Conference Resolution

This South African Indian Conference constituted of the Natal Indian Organisation.


Presidential address of Dr G M Naicker acting President of the South African Indian Congress to the twenty-second Conference of the South African Indian Congress

Presidentail Address

Asiatic Land Tenure Act of 1946

Various Amended Acts

South African Indian Congress Resolutions

SAIC resolutions

South African Indian Council - Opening of SAIC conference 1950

Opening of SAIC conference

Speech : D U Mistry

Address: Dr J S Moroka

South African Indian Council - receipt and statements

Receipts and Statements

South African Indian Council - Correspondence

1. Death Of J H Hofmeyer

2. Conference

South African Indian Council - Correspondences 1950

Post Office Telegraphs

South African Indian Council Corresponce

Minty : 02-02-1950

Motion for Conference - 23-04-1943

Co-op with Non-White Organisations

South African Indian Council Correspondence

Cassim Amra  - Permit
Passive Resistance Council
All India Students Federation

South African Indian Council. Copy of letters

SAIC correspondence


Re: George Singh

India and Pakiistan Delegation

South African Indian Council and India Correspondence

Indian and UNO - Indian Delegation - Dr Dadoo and Dr Monty Naicker - 1948-1950

SAIC Correspondence Miscellaneous

Correspondences 1948-1949

South African Indian Council Records

M D Barmania SAIC records to be handed to joint secretaries 1948 - 1949

Deportation and Immigration.

South African Indian Council



1373 records found.