Thumbnail Title Description
The Prospect For Democracy & Development In An Independent Namibia

Namibia, the last colony in Africa, is on the threshold of independence. For nearly 70 years this territory was the subject of contention between the former mandatory power, South Africa, and the rest of the world.........

Trade and Traders
ANC Government Economic Policy
Affirmative Action 1996-1997 press cuttings

Affirmation action press cuttings....

Letter from Christoper Merrett

I seem to remember reading in an old issue of..........


The Informal Sector, Gender and Development
Marketing and management co-operation with Asia pacific regions



UDW Macro-Education Policy Unit: a Review of its Activities, 1994
Umrabulo: Lets talk politics, No 6
Umsebenzi Vol 6 No 2

De Klerk, Communist Party, apartheid, human rights, Apartheid, political rights, segregation, population registration, segregated beaches, democratic government, policy, economy, housing, water, electricity, transport, health care, ANC, ANC Youth League

South African Politics - loose items
The Classroom Struggle
UDM manifesto

In the middle 3-4 months of 1994 interested observers and an expectant electorate were treated to regular accounts of progress in finalising the RDP White Paper (WP). Originally scheduled for release in mid-July, the......

Human Sciences Research Should Focus on National Priorities

Bulletin Nov/Dec 1994

Some aspects of the Apartheid Union Land Laws and Policy as affecting Africans

President General of the African National Congress

Questions for the National Security Research Project

Natal Indian Congress

South African Indian Congress Policy in the Future

Policy in the South African Indian Congress in the future

South Africa’s only Way: A Statement on policy adopted at the Labour Party Annual Conference held in January 1955


125 records found.