Thumbnail Title Description
Photograph of Dr. J L Dubes' tombstone, at Ohlanga

A photograph taken of the tombstone of the late Dr. J.L. Dube, at Ohlanga.

Photographs of houses in the New Brighton Native Village

Photographs of houses in various stages of construction in New Brighton African Village.

Photograph: illustrating entertainment facilities for Black and Coloured people in the 1950's

Photograph showing a dancing scene (of Coloured people) at a nightclub in District Six, Cape Town.

Korsten slum scenes

Photograph showing Korsten slums

Photograph of Korsten slum dwellers

Black and white photograph showing families being removed from Korsten, Port Elizabeth, slum dwellings

A challenge to the Church
Comrade Cassius Make laid to rest
The making of a saint

An obituary for Reverend Mandla Msibi who was popularly known as Blackman

Sermon delivered on the 16th June 1986, South African Youth Day at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Lusaka, Zambia
Who cannot take sides?

Statement by Mrs Lisbet Palme at the International Conference on children, repression and law in apartheid South Africa, Harare, 24th september, 1987.

Apartheid feeds on blood
The expresion "Bloody Boer" cannot be without significance

Statement by the Honourable Prime Minister, Comrade R.G. Mugabe, at the opening session of the International Conferenceon children,repression and the law in apartheid South Africa. Harare, 24th september 1987.

President O R Tambo: political profile on the occasion of his 70th birthday
An eulogy to the late Rev Marawu
Consultation of the World Conference on religion and peace (IWCRP) held in Lusaka, Zambia
My call to ministry
To National Church organisations
We must take sides

Extracts from the statement of the President of the ANC, Oliver Tambo, at the WCC Liberation Movement dialogue:Lusaka, 4 - 8 may, 1987.

Nelson Mandela
Beware of Kriel's "new" NP

Pamphlet about safety issues and violence published by the ANC for the 1994 elections.


3072 records found.