Thumbnail Title Description
Beware of Kriel's "new" NP

Pamphlet about safety issues and violence published by the ANC for the 1994 elections.

Daai geld, daai geld, daai baie geld!

Pamphlet produced by the African National Congress for the 1994 elections. Title translated into English reads, That Money, that money, that large amount of money!

Why Cuban volunteers are fighting in Angola
Why I refuse to serve in the racist SADF
Guidelines for constitutional change in South Africa

Document outlining the basic elements of constitutional change in South Africa, disclosed by Prime Minister P W Botha on 31st July, 1982. Includes diagram of Central Government structure.

Since Pageview was proclaimed a White area in 1963 ....

Pamphlet relating to the impact of the Group Areas Act on Indian families, including a photograph

Introduction:This is a record of some of the main events...

An illustrated record of some of the main events that NUSUS initiated, or was involved in, during 1981

Black Community Programmes Limited: Projects and people

A pamphlet containing photographs from projects of the Black Community Programmes.The goals of the Black Community Programmes are to help the Black community become aware of its own identity, create a sense of empowerment and to revitalise resources to meet its own needs

Mzwakhe on culture
The church and the race problem

Pamplet containing a series of articles published in the Rand Daily Mail, Johannesburg, based on interviews with churchmen on the role of the Church in South Africa

The Universities and the State, 1959-1969

Pamphlet to affirm the University of the Witwatersrand's continuing opposition to the Extension of University Education Act, 1959, which legislated the loss of academic freedom at South African Universities.

Save our jobs
Low gold price should not mean jobs lost
SACP welcomed as party of the workers
Cosatu launches campaign of rolling mass action : tax rebellion and protest action against union bashes
Isivumelwano se democrasi noxolo kwimigodi ye Anglo American Corporation (article written in Xhosa language)
NUM president speaks Cde. James Motlatsi: on the history of oppression on the mines
Union and bosses deadlock on wages: diamond strike looming
Towards a housing policy for mineworkers: focus on housing for miners
Miners of the world unite agaist poor health and safety conditions


3073 records found.