Thumbnail Title Description
National question - struggle for unity
We Blacks
Clash of cultures Part 2
Aanvaarding van geweld as oplossing wek kommer (Article written in Afrikaans)
Foreign funding keeps opponents in suspense
IDASA harassed
A legacy to be enriched
Editorial comment: Organise for victory
When we strike they shrink
Resistance continues
The State's emergency - not even tanks and troops can break our spirit
Cosatu ban: state hopes to smash apartheid resistance
What the restriction means to Cosatu
Attack on media: Botha govt out to silence opposition
Namibian workers get organized
Cosatu News

Cosatu News, published by COSATU, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, documents the struggle of workers to gain power in the workplace in order to improve wages and work conditions and ultimately to replace capitalism with socialism.

The National situation, an address delivered at the Edendale Conference of the All African Convention

The address opens with a description of three major landmarks of the year, namely;The first, the Treason Trial, which began on 5 December 1956 where 156 people were arrested in a Union-wide police swoop. The second, was the arrest of more than 200 African men and women of Sekukuniland.

The philosophy tenets and traditions of NEUM

A presidential address delivered at the 9th Conference of the Non-European Unity Movement (NEUM).It is noted that this conference has been convened at the most crucial moment in the history of the oppressed of South Africa.

Land, class and the Bible in South Africa today


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