Thumbnail Title Description
Authority and Freedom
Apartheid and the Medical School

SOYA condemns the idea of the governments intention to transfer administrative control of the Medical School, Durban from the University of Natal to the Univdersity of South Africa, and further condemns the whole system of oppression in dividing the people by colour and now in education as well.

Collaborators and falsifiers exposed

With the official opening of the Sultan Technical College, the members of the College Council had taken a decision to prohibit the African students from attending classes and were refused admission to the College itself.

The Alexandra bus boycott

This pamphlet discusses the bus boycott by the people of Alexandra Township against a penny increase in fares.

Police reserves are traps

This pamphlet discusses the formation of police reserves, and APDUSA examines the so-called reasons for the formation of the police reserves as been lies, and feels strongly that it is more of an attempt to deceive and split the unity of the oppressed.

Bantu Areas- the machinery of oppression
In our lifetime
Editorial: The myth and the reality
Editorial: A new round of oppression
National democratic struggle
Miskitos and Sandinistas in Nicaragua
Class struggle in Swaziland
Why the Soviet Union is imperialistic
Zimbabwe and danger of neo-colonialism
FOSATU calls on workers worldwide to unite and fight against oppression
Fear - an important determinant in South African politics
The conflict - a clash of cultures


98 records found.