Natal Indian Congress

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Natal Indian Congress News Release - Royal Visit Celebrations

Natal Indian Congress Boycott of the Royal visit in 1947

Sundry correspondence 1947
  • Report dated 11th January 1947 - Meeting between Congress Representatives and Members of the Executive of the African Tenants and Peasants Association.
  • Letter dated 12th April 1947 - Grants for Indian Schools
  • Letter dated 8th December 1947 - Re: Amenties Sub Committee
Correspondence of the Natal Indian Congress and the Mayor of Durban during October 1947

Meetings and correspondences between the N.I.C. and the Durban City Council

NIC resolution and memoranda 1947

N.I.C. documents 0f 1947

Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the N.I.C.

Interview with representatives of the Tongaat.......

Branches of the Natal Indian Congress

Delimitation at the Magisterial Area of Durban as adopted.....

Natal Indian Congress Correspondence to their members

N.I.C requesting for assistances from the members.

Memorandum of objectives submitted to the Hon. The Minister of Welfare and Demobilisation

The Minister of Welfare and Demobilisation by the Natal Indian Congress on the Draft regulations proposed to be made under the Housing (Emergency Powers) ACT (No.45, 1945)……

Treasury Cape town 8 June 1945

re: Housing Bill

Memorandum of the NIC on the declaration of the prime minister

The Statement of the prime Minister.....

NIC Annual general meeting

Annual General Meeting

Natal Indian Congress Elections

NIC elections 4 March 1945 curries Fountain sport ground

Preliminary statement to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

N.I.C. Judicial Commission

Can we afford disunity
Indians in the Union of South Africa

NIC the Union of the Indian in SA 1946

Final statement and schedules on the subject of Alleged Indian Penetration into predominantly European areas


Natal Indian Congress statement to Durban passenger transport commission of enquiry


Report of the N.I.C. Passive resistance campaign in Natal

N.I.C. documents

Reply of the NIC to the Prime ministers note of 30 November 1944


Prime ministers note for information of NIC

The Prime Minister and the Minister of Interior.....


385 records found.