Natal Indian Congress

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Biography of Seaman Chetty and others

FOR initiating numerous efforts to help curtail the violence in the Port Shepstone area, the Rev Danny Chetty, director of Practical Ministries, has been awarded the Martin Luther King Jnr Peace Prize. Rev Chetty was one of four recipients to receive this award in Durban on Tuesday.....

Mahatma Gandhi Collection (Gandhi 1913 - 1914 scrapbook)

A LETTER written by Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler in 1940 has been dug out of Government Archives in Madras, South India........

JN Singh correspondence

I am in receipt of your accounts herein and your letter of the 7th April 1954........

Gandhi Centenary commemorative supplement

For the last twelve months various organisati<ms and State governments in different parts of the world have been engaged in a' variety of activities to mark

Gandhi miscellaneous articles

On his return journey to India, Gandh i stopped at Durban, where the local Gujarati merchants enlisted his aid to prevent the passing , as Act 25 of 1894, of a bill that sought to deprive 251 Asiatics of the parliamentary franchise.

Gandhi in South Africa 1893-1914

MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI, who was born at Porbandar (Sudamapuri) in India on 2 October 1869, qualified as a barrister in England· in 1891. Two years later his professional services were engaged by Abdul Karim Jhaveri, a Durban trader, in a £40,000 lawsuit against a rival firm in Pretoria.

Gandhi and Indians in South Africa

THE battle to abolish the law barring Indians from living in the Free State - an issue which became a heated one in Parliament........


Mixed articles on Gandhi 1946

Opening of Imperial Parliament ......................

" Natal Indian Congress - 90 proud years 1894 to 1984"

THE Natal Indian Congress origins trace back to 1893 when as a recentlyqualified young lawyer, Mohandas.......

Gandhi Display (originals)



Article on Gandhi - Draft

Gandhi - the myths behind the legend By 1904, South Africa's coloured and Indian communities had started a slow journey towards political had at last found to champion their other a doctor awareness.....











A Tribute to Gandhi, by the Hindu Students Association.

Like all great historical figures, MAHATMA GANDHI was a very controversial man. His philisophy of life and his religious practices stemmed largely from.....

Memorandum submitted to the submitted by the department of Education
Letter from Dr FM Meer to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Dr FM Meer to Phyllis Naidoo.


Domestic workers press cuttings
First Indian Trade Union Congress
The Dadoo Xuma Naicker Pact 9 March 1947

African National Congress, Natal, Transvaal Indian Congress. Three Doctors Pact

Natal Action Committee of the Congress of the People
Mass Democratic Movement defiance plea for restraint
African and Indian in Durban


385 records found.