Thumbnail Title Description
1860 Settlers celebration of 1980 Consecration Service Addington Beach

1860 Commemorations at Durban on the 16th November 1980 Saiva Sithantha Sungum

Musical Group 1905
Chris Albertyn: Inspector of Music, Natal Education Dept

School Inspector

Men Singing

Various photographed slides of different parts of the World

Lady at the Organ

Various photographed slides of different parts of the World

Letter from Kathy to Phyllis Naidoo

Im so sorry it has been so long since I've sent you a line . I wanted to do some work on clothing for Sha before I wrote , and I'm finding that I will need more definite sizes to be able to get anything for him.

Department of Music - Richard Cock and Dianne
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville
Music Department photograph album
Music Department photograph album - University of Durban-Westville


359 records found.