Thumbnail Title Description
Leadership and unity in Rhodesian Black trade unions
Profile: a love of working with people
Tribute to a fighter
Profile: from grassroots organiser to union president
Interview with Mtutuzeli Tom. Mercedes Benz shopsteward, vice-chair of COSATU's Eastern Cape region
Samora Moises Machel 1933 - 1986
Release Moses Mayekiso
Interview: Cyril Ramaphosa
The views of the chairman of the Botswana Federation of Trade Unions
Steve Biko: after ten years

Barney Pityana, a close friend and colleague of Steve Biko, was invited to preach this sermon at Notting Hill Methodist Church, London, on the 10th anniversary of Steve Biko's death.

The birth of the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa

This article which was published in WSCF Journal, Volume 1 No 2, 1979, pages 26-31, traces the birth and development of the Black Consciousness Movement to the banning of all Black Consciousness Movement organisations in 1977.

Mandela - the struggle is my life
Interview with Joe Slovo by Keith Coleman

An interview with Joe Slovo by Keith Coleman on economic policies. July 1, 1990.

Keeper of the keys

This is an interview with Desmond Tutu held in October 1989 about leadership and vision of peace.

The voice of South Africa's young generation: go underground and organise

New African talks to Tebello Motapanyane, Secretary-General of the banned South African Students Movement.

Soweto student speaks out: interview with Nkosazana Dlamini

Nkosozana Dlamini, vice-president of SASO, and member of the ANC, was in her fifth year of medical school when the June 16th uprising began. She was torn between finishing her medical training to become a doctor or continue abroad with political activity against the apartheid government.

Developing a revolutionary style of work
Joe Slovo - theoretician or anti-China hack
We are leading a class struggle to create a new man


254 records found.