Thumbnail Title Description
Namibia: The Last Colony

The Namibian independence issue has been absent......

A Youthful Struggle For Independence, 1924-1949

I was born on the 28 March 1924 in a little wood and iron house lying under the shade of. a huge Coedmore Road in Bellair The tree is still there.......

Letter from George M Houser to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from George M Houser to Phyllis Naidoo.




Sri Lanka 61 years of Independence
Zambia "It's Independence and place in South Africa"

Political Science Project

Letter from Nellie to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Nellie to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

Demand for Independence

Photos on the life of M. K. Gandhi

Letter from Hoosen to Phyllis Naidoo

Got you letter two minutes ago. You've put your foot in it this time. Jane Turner's hotel DID burn down a couple of months ago. Is your face red?

Letter from Bernhard and Margaret to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you so much for your nice letter which we received two days ago.

Aid to India

For the past .ten years, January 26th has been observed in India as Independence Day. The great majority of the people of India long for the day when' their land will be completely independent of foreign control.

The Long View: In the Blossom-Land, Contact vol 8, no. 10
In the Blossom-Land
The Long View: Rhodesia, Contact vol 8, no.9
A new start in Africa

The real problems of independence have emerged.

UNITA and Angola's struggle for independence

Facts of the Rhodesian situation before Commonwealth leaders.

Zambia's humanism

Credo for survival.

Hauling down the flag at Mochudi

Lady Naomi Mitchison, a member of the Bakgatla tribe in Botswana visits her people for independence

Tanzania after five years

Each Tanzanian feels he is a free Tanzanian.


171 records found.