Thumbnail Title Description
Letter to W T Walker Hon. Secretary of the Natal Municipal Association

Dear Sir, Areas for European Occupation Only

I beg to refer to your circular letter on the above subject....

Memorandum re Indian Penetration and Deputation to his Honour the Administrator and members of the Natal Provincial Executive

The are attached hereto copies of the following document -

a) Report of Natal Municipal Executive to Natal Municipal Association Conference......

Information Re Asiatic Encroachment

Durban City Council: Town Clerk Office

Natal Province

Record of meeting of the sub-committee appointed to consider the question of Asiatic Penetration in Urban areas

Asiatic Penetration Question

A resume of the replies received from the various Boroughs in regard to the extent to which their areas are affected having been circulated...

Intermixing of European and Non-Europeans

The following letter was received from the Provincial secretary......

Indian Penetration

On 6th November 1942 the Council appointed a deputation consisting of His Worship....

Record pf proceedings at the first quarterly meeting of the Executive

Delgates assembled by kind invitation in the City Council Chamber...

Deputation of Durban City Council- Indian Penetration

In order enable Natal Provincial Executive attend proposed Indian Penetration discussion suggest.....

Memorandum to the Town Clerk - Indian Penetration

Attached is a first draft of a memorandum to the members of the deputation which the Council has appointed to interview the Administrator and the Minister on this Subject.

Report from Mercury. Indian Penetration - Deputation. Advisory Committee

Asiatic affairs Advisory Committee. 

Probable membership

Letter on the Indian Penetration

With reference to jour letter of the 23rd instant, incorporating copy of the communication of the 22nd idem received from Mr. Councillor A.L.Barns on the above subject, I set out the....

Letter to the Mayor of Durban, Mr R Ellis Brown

That having regard to -

The statement as reported in the local press made by his Worship the Mayor of Durban at the meeting of the Durban City Council....

Notice of Motion by Councilor A H Youngleson

There is attached hereto for your information copy of letter dated.......

Intermixing of Europeans and Non-Europeans Sectional ZOnes

This matter formerly under the heading Asiatic Penetration, which has engaged the attention of successive conference...

Memorandum - Indian Penetration and Trading

The following is a copy of a letter dated 26th September 1959 received from the Executors in the Estate

Copies of Correspondence between Natal Indian Congress and the Durban City Council in connection with the City Council's proposal for Round Table Discussion Re: Appointment of Indian Affairs Advisory Sub-Committee

Dear Sirs

As you are no doubt aware the City Council has prepared its plan for the development of the City of Durban.....




Copy of Annexure to Secretarial Report of the Corporation of the City Council of Durban

Dear Sir,

I have to refer to your letter of 8th instant on the above subject....

Letters from the Office of the Mayor, Durban City Council to the Natal Indian Congress

Dear Sir,
At the request of His Worship the Mayor I am writing to give you details of the steps that the General Purposes Committee of the City Council have taken with a view.....

Letter from the Durban City Council to the Natal Indian Congress

His Worship the mayor who was away in Johannesburg when your letter dated the 10th December arrived.....

Correspondence from the Durban City Council to the Natal Indian Congress

In a statement you made to the Press the following day you welcomed and accepted His Worship's offer....


579 records found.