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Housing Issues in Natal: Paper presented at National Conference 1980

Housing Issues in Natal- Paper presented at National Conference on 12 March 1980 discussing squatter areas, housing, Urban Areas Act, Chatsworth Housing Action Committee, Abolition of Labour Tenancy and Mass Removals, migrant labour.

Housing and health
A community struggles for healthy housing
Malukazi issue and KwaZulu policy
Black housing - weapon of apartheid - what will change?
Golden days in old South End

Linda van Wyk's personal recollections of living in South End, Port Elizabeth.

Bolt Number 10 May1974
Riverlea extension - a ghetto in the "City of gold"
Lusaka diary
Background to violence
The fight is on
Even we
African family housing in urban areas

Article on regulations governing the control and supervision of an urban Bantu residential area and the many hardships that these regulations inflicted on african families

New life for 30,000 families

Article on slum clearance in Korsten, Port Elizabeth.

Aftermath of the floods
Hostel situation at University Durban-Westville
They once suffered together
Decent housing - a human right
Land briefs


579 records found.