Musical Instruments and entertainment at Hindi Weddings
WHEN the first Indian indentured labourers
came to South Africa they brought some
small musical instruments with them. The
music o these instruments gave pleasure to
the guests ttending the first Hindi wedding
on South Aft~an soil. Most of these instruments
have bec~me obsolete and some of t~{!m
are now unknown to the younger generation.
Those were da s when halls were hard to
hire. Even if ther could be found parents
were disinclined to ~arry their children in such
impersonal atmosp}re. They preferred in-
'P?"'m"~~~,--~""'~!"!f.,.-stea construct t eir own marquees. As
benches and chairs ere either difficult to obtain
or unknown to he indentured labourers.
dried straw was stre
n over the hard ,e:round.
The male guests who were used to such rude
hospitality sat on the floor of this makeshift
but warm arrangi1ent.