
Thumbnail Title Description
Higgs Muriel
Higgs Muriel
Higgs Muriel

Muriel Higgs School of Riding, 601 Ridge Road

Higgs Muriel
Sir Henry Everlyn Wood, Brantree (Essex) 1919. Commanded left Flank (No.4) Column and led the action at Hlobane and Kambule

Sir Henry Everlyn Wood, Brantree (Essex) 1919. Commanded left Flank (No.4) Column and led the action at Hlobane and Kambule

Detachment from H.M.S. Shah, with a Gatling Gun

Detachment from H.M.S. Shah, with a Gatling Gun

5Oth Anniversary of iSandlwana 1920. Warriors who fouth in the battle and descendants of others

5Oth Anniversary of iSandlwana 1920. Warriors who fouth in the battle and descendants of others

Higgs Muriel
Higgs Muriel
Higgs Muriel
Higgs Muriel
Eugene Louis Jean Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince Imperial

Eugene Louis Jean Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince Imperial

Sir Theophilus Shepstone

Sir Theophilus Shepstone, Bristol-1817-Pietermaritzburg 1893

Higgs Muriel
Point at Lower Tukela Drift

Point at Lower Tukela Drift

Ammunistion wagons on Lower Tukela

Ammunistion wagons on Lower Tukela

Higgs Muriel
Remains of camp at iSandlwana

Remains of camp at iSandlwana

Inyoni Drift

Inyoni Drift

Zulu War warrior showing the site of the war

Zulu War warrior showing the site of the war


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